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Rhode Island Legislative Update

It is that time of year again, when the Rhode Island legislature ends its session and passes a number of laws that affect businesses with Rhode Island-based employees.  2024 was no different. Though in some ways this year was...more

Department of Labor Updates Employer Guidance on FFCRA

The United States Department of Labor (DOL) has once again updated its guidance for employers on the implementation of emergency FMLA and emergency sick leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). The...more

Families First Coronavirus Response Act

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act [FFCRA - House 6201] was signed into law the night of March 18, 2020 and goes into effect no later than April 2, 2020. The FFCRA is designed to provide paid leave, free testing,...more

Update: Massachusetts Paid Family And Medical Leave - Deadline For Employer Contributions Extended To October 1, 2019

As has been widely rumored, the Commonwealth has decided to delay the July 1 implementation of the Massachusetts paid family and medical leave law (“PFML”). A joint statement by Massachusetts Governor, Charlie Baker, Senate...more

Update: Massachusetts Paid Family And Medical Leave - New Deadlines And Tax Implications

As we indicated in our prior client alerts on the new Massachusetts paid family and medical leave law (“PFML”), while the first phase of the law goes into effect on July 1, the PFML’s procedural requirements and operational...more

New Massachusetts Paid Leave of Absence Law

Certain Obligations Take Effect on July 1 - What Employers Need to Know Now - THE BASICS. Massachusetts has enacted yet another new leave law. Paid Family and Medical Leave (“PFML”) provides employees with job protected...more

FMLA Recognizes Same-Sex Marriages

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has revised the definition of “spouse” under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to include marriages legally entered into by same-sex couples. This revision expands the FMLA’s reach...more

RI Increased Employee Absences (and Headaches) due to the 2014 Temporary Caregiver Leave Law

Effective January 1, 2014, all Rhode Island employers must allow their employees four (4) weeks of time off per year under the Temporary Caregiver Insurance (“TCI”) Law. Like Temporary Disability Insurance ("TDI"), the...more

Rhode Island Labor Law Changes Passed by Legislation

The Rhode Island Legislature finished a busy season on the labor law front, passing a number of new laws that await the Governor’s signature. Among the highlights...more

Employer Beware - Automatic termination policies are illegal. Just ask Sears.

Qualified employees with a disability are entitled to a reasonable accommodation from their employer to enable them to perform the essential functions of their job. One of the most difficult issues employers face is...more

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