As anticipated, the Republican members of the Federal Communications Commission are taking steps to pare down the 2016 Broadband Privacy Order now that they are in the majority. The FCC has released an order staying the data...more
/ Broadband ,
Broadband Internet Access Services (BIAS) ,
Common Carriers ,
Data Security ,
Deregulation ,
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ,
Internet Service Providers (ISPs) ,
Jurisdiction ,
Net Neutrality ,
Privacy Rule ,
Regulatory Oversight ,
Stays ,
In the days since the recent election, many tech, media and telecom industry observers remain unsure of what to expect from the Federal Communications Commission under the Trump administration. Fortunately, there are some...more
/ Breach Notification Rule ,
Broadband ,
Broadband Internet Access Services (BIAS) ,
Cable Television Providers ,
Communications Act of 1934 ,
Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI) ,
Data Security ,
Educational Institutions ,
Libraries ,
Lifeline Program ,
Low-Income Issues ,
Media ,
Open Internet Rules ,
Regulatory Oversight ,
Rulemaking Process ,
Telecommunications ,
Transition Team ,
Trump Administration
The Federal Communications Commission recently released an order containing new privacy protections for customers of broadband internet access service (BIAS) providers, which was adopted by a 3-2 vote along partisan lines. In...more
/ Administrative Procedure Act ,
Breach Notification Rule ,
Broadband ,
Broadband Internet Access Services (BIAS) ,
Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI) ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Security ,
Internet Service Providers (ISPs) ,
Open Internet Rules ,
Opt-Outs ,
Presidential Nominations ,
Privacy Laws ,
Telecommunications ,
Trump Administration ,