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ADA Title III Federal Lawsuit Numbers Rebound to 8,800 in 2024

The two-year decline in ADA Title III filings stopped in 2024, with plaintiffs increasing filings back to 8,800 complaints in 2024....more

Serial Plaintiff Seeking to Enforce a Delinquent Settlement Payment Gets a Sharp Judicial Rebuke from EDNY Federal Judge

Concerned that serial plaintiffs are not actually ensuring that defendants are removing access barriers under their confidential settlement agreements, EDNY Judge Cogan takes charge....more

The DOJ Provides Practical Guidance on How to Implement a Digital Accessibility Program

The DOJ’s new step-by-step guidance for state and local governments on how to comply with new regulations that mandate accessible web content is also useful for public accommodations looking to make their websites and mobile...more

Our 2024 ADA Title III Recap and Predictions for 2025

2024 saw some interesting developments and an uptick in lawsuit filings from 2023; expect less ADA Title III enforcement and rulemaking activity from DOJ in 2025....more

SDNY Chief Judge to ADA Plaintiff: Court Closed for Business to Online-Only ADA Web Cases

Seyfarth Synopsis: A recent decision holding that web-only businesses cannot be sued over the accessibility of their website under the ADA is the first of its kind in the Southern District of New York and may cause...more

2024 Mid-Year Report: ADA Title III Federal Lawsuit Numbers Rebound (A Little)

Seyfarth Synopsis: The decline in ADA Title III lawsuits that began in 2022 comes to a halt in 2024 and California retakes its mantle of “national filing hotspot.”...more

SDNY Judge Gets Tough on Serial Website Plaintiffs

Seyfarth Synopsis: SDNY Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil dismisses with prejudice a website accessibility lawsuit with vague allegations about plaintiffs’ standing....more

Federal NY Court Says Retailers Are Not Required to Have Digital Labels on Products

Seyfarth Synopsis:  Federal court in New York reaffirms that reading information aloud to customers who are blind or low vision is still an acceptable auxiliary aid or service and retailers do not have to offer accessible...more

Plaintiffs Filed More than 8,200 ADA Title III Federal Lawsuits in 2023

Seyfarth Synopsis: In 2023, the number of ADA Title III lawsuits filed in federal court declined but still exceeded 8,200 for a second year in a row....more

W3C Adds Nine New Requirements In WCAG 2.2

Seyfarth Synopsis: The W3C recently adopted Version 2.2 of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) which adds nine new success criteria for digital accessibility....more

SCOTUS Punts on Whether ADA “Testers” Have Standing in Acheson v. Laufer

Seyfarth Synopsis:  SCOTUS’s refusal to clarify standing requirements for “tester” plaintiffs in ADA Title III lawsuits means it’s business as usual for the plaintiffs’ bar....more

SCOTUS Hears Oral Argument in Acheson v. Laufer

Seyfarth Synopsis:  SCOTUS asked revealing questions in Wednesday's Acheson v. Laufer oral argument, but left attendees wondering whether the Court will provide much-needed guidance on the so-called “tester standing” issue...more

2023 Mid-Year Report: ADA Title III Federal Lawsuit Numbers Continue to Decline

Seyfarth Synopsis: The decline in ADA Title III lawsuits that began in 2022 continues in 2023. New York remains the filing hotspot....more

SCOTUS Refuses to Dismiss Acheson Hotels v. Laufer Case Before Oral Argument Set For October 4

Synopsis: SCOTUS denies serial plaintiff’s attempt to dismiss her case and avoid the court’s consideration of a critical legal issue in ADA Title III lawsuits – tester standing....more

Amusement Parks Can’t Invoke Arbitrary Manufacturer Safety Requirements To Restrict Riders With Disabilities, Eleventh Circuit...

Seyfarth Synopsis:   New Eleventh Circuit decision says amusement park operators must base rider eligibility requirements on actual risks and cannot simply adopt manufacturer recommendations, even when required by state law....more

New California Assembly Bill on Website Accessibility Could Result in a Lawsuit Tsunami

Seyfarth Synopsis: AB 1757 would adopt WCAG 2.1 Level AA as the de facto standard for websites and mobile apps that can be accessed from California and impose liability for statutory damages on business establishments and...more

SCOTUS UPDATE:  Opening Brief Filed in Acheson Hotels v. Laufer

Seyfarth synopsis: The opening brief in Acheson Hotels v. Laufer, the first case to reach the U.S. Supreme Court in more than 18 years, was filed yesterday....more

SCOTUS Agrees to Resolve A Circuit Split on Tester Standing in ADA Title III Cases

Seyfarth Synopsis: SCOTUS grants certiorari on an ADA Title III case for the first time in 18 years to resolve a circuit split on whether an ADA plaintiff has standing to sue without having any intention of frequenting the...more

ADA Title III Federal Lawsuits Numbers Are Down But Likely To Rebound in 2023

Seyfarth Synopsis: The number of ADA Title III lawsuits filed in federal court dropped by 24 percent, the lowest since 2017, and California is no longer the center of the ADA Title III universe....more

ADA Title III Crystal Ball: What’s Ahead for 2023?

Seyfarth Synopsis: We predict another busy year on all fronts as DOJ continues to push its regulatory and enforcement agenda....more

ADA Title III Crystal Ball:  What’s Ahead for 2023?

Seyfarth Synopsis: We predict another busy year on all fronts as DOJ continues to push its regulatory and enforcement agenda....more

Ninth Circuit Judges Express Displeasure with Serial Plaintiffs and Their Attorneys

Seyfarth synopsis: Ninth Circuit judges are getting tougher on lawyers who represent serial plaintiffs by reducing their fees and threatening sanctions for citing outdated law....more

2022 ADA Title III Mid-Year Federal Lawsuit Filings Drop 22% Compared To 20212022 ADA Title III Mid-Year Federal Lawsuit Filings...

Seyfarth Synopsis: In this blog we examine data showing an unexpected drop in the number of Title III Americans with Disabilities Act suits filed so far in 2022, particularly in California....more

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