In a significant victory for property owners, the Arizona Supreme Court held this week that damages in condemnation cases can include compensation for the reduction in value caused by the proximity of homes to a new highway...more
/ Appellate Courts ,
Arizona ,
AZ Supreme Court ,
Condemnation ,
Constitutional Challenges ,
Damages ,
Easements ,
Eminent Domain ,
Just Compensation ,
Property Owners ,
Real Estate Development ,
Real Estate Transactions ,
State and Local Government
Summary -
The Supreme Court of the United States announced that it will hear a Takings Clause case under the Fifth Amendment that will clarify whether permit exaction fees authorized by legislation are exempt from the...more
/ Building Permits ,
Certiorari ,
Construction Project ,
Exactions ,
Fees ,
Fifth Amendment ,
George Sheetz v County of El Dorado ,
Land-Use Permits ,
Real Estate Development ,
Sufficient Nexus ,
Takings Clause
We are introducing a mini-series, “Developing Philly.” The podcast episodes will explore issues that are top-of-mind for developers, owners, and commercial investors throughout the Philadelphia region. We’ll focus on zoning...more