The Roundup covers notable class action decisions each month from federal appellate courts, as well as notable Supreme Court class action cert petitions....more
/ Appellate Courts ,
Article III ,
Class Action ,
Class Certification ,
Class Representatives ,
Corporate Counsel ,
Putative Class Actions ,
Standing ,
Statute of Limitations ,
Welcome to the inaugural edition of Classified Monthly: A Roundup of Class Action Decisions from Federal Appellate Courts.
The Roundup normally will arrive in your inbox the first week of each month and will cover the...more
/ CAFA ,
Class Action ,
Class Certification ,
Class Representatives ,
Diversity Jurisdiction ,
Fee Awards ,
Injunctions ,
Petition for Writ of Certiorari ,
Predominance Requirement ,
Putative Class Actions ,
Settlement Agreements
Bell v. Brockett is an unusual case in several respects. Most notably, the Fourth Circuit affirmed certification of a defendant class, despite acknowledging that defendant class actions are “so rare they have been compared to...more