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Artificial intelligence (AI) advocacy in the Federal Court

In April 2023, a curious law professor and lawyer submitted his “Introductory Civil Procedure” exam to ChatGPT, an AI chatbot, to see how it would score. The results were surprising: ChatGPT outperformed over 70% of his...more

No parley for pirates: Federal Court (Canada) grants innovative remedy to combat sports piracy

In Rogers Media Inc et al v John Doe 1 et al, 2024 FC 1082, the Federal Court (Canada) (the Court) issued the first site-blocking judgment allowing the applicants to simultaneously protect live content in multiple sports...more

Ghost in the machine: AI and patent protection

On December 20, 2023, the UK Supreme Court dismissed Dr. Stephen Thaler’s appeal from the Court of Appeal (England and Wales), finding that AI cannot be an inventor because an inventor must be a natural person1. This issue...more

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