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Jersey – Creditor-Driven Winding up Regime in Jersey

Changes to the Companies Law in 2022 have increased the options available to creditors of insolvent Jersey companies - A creditor is now able to apply to the Jersey Court to wind up a company a liquidated claim against a...more

Jersey's Royal Court holds that property of invalid non-charitable trusts can go to charity

Jersey's Royal Court has confirmed the existence of rules in Jersey law that: Where a trust seeks to provide for mixed charitable and non-charitable purposes, the non-charitable purpose can invalidate the charitable...more

Trusts and state immunity – can a nation state be trustee?

A nation state can be trustee of a Jersey law express trust, even though it has state immunity against being sued for breach of trust or otherwise being held accountable for its trusteeship in domestic courts. The Royal Court...more

What became of forever? The rule against perpetuities' last stand in Jersey

Despite the Trusts (Jersey) Law 1984 ("Trusts Law") expressly providing against the rule against perpetuities currently applying in Jersey, the Royal Court has found the rule to form part of the underlying fabric of Jersey...more

Shades of grey? Unfair prejudice and derivative actions in Jersey following Ntzegkoutanis v Kimionis

Matters of law will certainly not always be black and white, however, the Courts have adopted a traditional approach when assessing matters of mismanagement or misconduct by directors in relation to company – if there is...more

Speak no evil - no fraud by silence in Jersey law?

It has been an open question for almost 20 years whether a misrepresentation constituting dol (essentially, fraud) could be made by silence alone in Jersey law. The issue has now been laid to rest following the Royal Court...more

Losing the faith? Implied term of good faith rejected in Jersey contract law

There is no generally implied term of good faith in all Jersey law contracts, the Royal Court has held. In doing so, it has answered a question left open in earlier Jersey judgments – including by the Court of Appeal in the...more

Clarity for third parties claiming against a Jersey estate – just what the doctor prescribed

For executors and administrators of estates it is important to have clarity as to the timeframes within which claims can be brought against the estate they are administering. Heirs and legatees can only bring a challenge...more

Appropriation and valuation of Jersey collateral – case law update

Under the Security Interests (Jersey) Law 2012 (the “Security Law”), one method of security enforcement is for the secured party to appropriate the collateral. Under this method of security enforcement, the secured party...more

Insolvent trusts: pari passu indemnification of successive trustees & the importance of creditor expectations – A view from the...

Introduction - The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council has handed down its long-awaited judgment in the joined cases of Equity Trust (Jersey) Ltd v Halabi and ITG Ltd and others v Fort Trustees Ltd, each focusing on...more

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