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United States Supreme Court Holds That The Preponderance-Of-The-Evidence Standard Applies to Exemption Defenses Under The Fair...

In E.M.D. Sales, Inc., et al. v. Carrera, et al, the United States Supreme Court unanimously held that employers need only prove an employee is exempt from overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act by a preponderance of the...more

2016 All Over Again: Texas Judge Rejects FLSA Exemption Salary Hike, Restores $35,568 Minimum

A federal district judge has vacated the U.S. DOL’s 2024 rulemaking increasing the minimum salary employers must pay to exempt executive, administrative, and professional employees. That minimum now reverts to an annualized...more

Fifth Circuit Ruling: 2019 Salary Threshold Increase Did Not Exceed Authority

Seyfarth Synopsis: On September 11, 2024, a panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit held in Mayfield v. U.S. Department of Labor that the Secretary’s salary test for evaluating overtime exemptions are valid...more

Working Overtime: Is Publication of DOL’s OT Exemption Rule Imminent?

Seyfarth Synopsis: With DOL’s overtime exemption rule currently under White House review, we could see its publication sooner rather than later. ...more

DOL Delivers a Proposed Salary Bump to FLSA Overtime Thresholds for Labor Day

Just days before Labor Day, the U.S. Department of Labor (“DOL”) unveiled its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“NPRM”), aimed at revising the Fair Labor Standards Act’s overtime exemptions for executive, administrative, and...more

Another Court Rejects The Approval Requirement For Individual FLSA Settlements

Seyfarth Synopsis: FLSA practitioners long have been aware that most courts hold that purely private releases of FLSA claims are void, and that a release of an FLSA claim is valid only if approved by the Department of Labor...more

Exempt Employees

Because exempt misclassification issues are among those more prominently revealed during Wage-Hour Division investigations and are often the focus of costly litigation, this chapter of our FLSA Handbook explains the most...more

Compliance and Prevention Matters

In this chapter of our FLSA Handbook, we provide an overview of measures that an employer can take to comply with state and federal wage and hour laws. We also provide an outline to assist employers in structuring their own...more

Did the 7th Circuit Just Provide a New Avenue to Defeat Certification of a State Law Overtime Claim?

Seyfarth Synopsis: The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals last week affirmed a district court’s denial of class certification of a state overtime claim on numerosity grounds, reasoning that the touchstone for that element is...more

Fluctuating Workweek Rule Becomes Final as Department of Labor Looks Forward to Return to Work

Seyfarth Synopsis: More than a decade after it was originally proposed, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage & Hour Division has finally promulgated a new rule concerning the fluctuating workweek (FWW) method of computing...more

Encino Motorcars, LLC v. Navarro: SCOTUS Puts The Brakes On Faulty FLSA Construction Language

Seyfarth Synopsis: Employers seeking to show that they correctly have classified an employee as exempt from the FLSA’s overtime requirements often have faced hostility from courts under the misimpression that FLSA exemptions...more

Big Commissions & FLSA Omissions: How Employers Could Be Required to Pay Six-Figure Earners Overtime Wages

Seyfarth Synopsis: A recent decision highlights why the FLSA is not always the remedial statute created to protect low-income workers by holding that four commission-based sales representatives, each earning six figures, were...more

A Glimmer Of Hope: The Supreme Court Now Has A Chance To Resolve A Circuit Split And Pronounce That Mortgage Underwriters Qualify...

Seyfarth Synopsis: As previously discussed in this space, the Ninth Circuit recently chose to side with the Second Circuit, and not the Sixth Circuit, and ruled that mortgage underwriters fail to meet the FLSA’s...more

Can We Finally Retire the Notions of Construing The FLSA’s Overtime Provisions Broadly But Its Exemptions Narrowly?

As our readers saw earlier this week, the Ninth Circuit recently issued a decision in McKeen-Chaplin v. Provident Bank, turning the traditional administrative vs. production dichotomy of the administrative exemption on its...more

Plaintiffs’ Bar Sets Sights on New Lawsuits Following DOL Rule Amendments

The Department of Labor’s release of the new exemption regulations appears imminent. As we have reported in a number of posts, these new rules are expected to nearly double the minimum annual salary level required for...more

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