Aunque la cantidad de casos relacionados con la Ley de Prácticas Corruptas en el Extranjero (Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FCPA) resueltos públicamente en el año 2021 fue relativamente baja en comparación con los años...more
Although the number of publicly resolved Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) cases in 2021 was relatively low compared to prior years, enforcement actions related to Latin America played a particularly prominent role. Many...more
Recent Renewable Energy Developments in Latin America -
The renewable energy market in Latin America is booming, and the region’s natural resources make it one of the most attractive areas in the world for investment....more
/ Brazil ,
Chile ,
Energy Projects ,
Energy Sector ,
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) ,
Green Energy ,
Hydropower ,
Latin America ,
Paris Agreement ,
Renewable Energy ,
Wind Power