Department of Homeland Security Warns of Cyber-Attacks by Iran -
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a grave warning to U.S. businesses and critical infrastructure operators on January 6, 2020, alerting the...more
/ Assassinations ,
Critical Infrastructure Sectors ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Cyber Crimes ,
Cyber Threats ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Breach ,
Data Privacy ,
Data Protection ,
Data Security ,
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) ,
Drones ,
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ,
Financial Services Industry ,
Foreign Relations ,
Hackers ,
Information Sharing ,
Iran ,
Microsoft ,
Operating System Developers ,
Personally Identifiable Information ,
Risk Management ,
Risk Mitigation ,
Unmanned Aircraft Systems ,
Vulnerability Assessments
In view of Iran’s vows to retaliate against the United States for the death of Quassem Soleimani, the NYDFS has issued an industry letter to all regulated entities regarding the need for heightened cybersecurity precautions....more
/ Assassinations ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Cyber Crimes ,
Cyber Threats ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Breach ,
Data Protection ,
Data Security ,
Financial Institutions ,
Financial Services Industry ,
Foreign Relations ,
Hackers ,
Iran ,
Personally Identifiable Information ,
Retaliation ,
Risk Alert ,
Risk Management ,
Risk Mitigation
National Veterinary Associates (NVA), a large network of veterinary hospitals and clinics, has reportedly been the victim of a ransomware attack. According to the reports, NVA employs more than 2,600 veterinarians, with over...more
/ Aviation Industry ,
Beneficiaries ,
Biometric Information ,
Bitcoin ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Cyber Crimes ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Breach ,
Data Privacy ,
Drones ,
Hackers ,
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) ,
Medicare ,
Personally Identifiable Information ,
Popular ,
Ransomware ,
Restaurant Industry ,
Settlement Agreements ,
Virtual Currency
GandCrab Ransomware Backers Working on New Ransomware REvil -
We previously reported that the criminals behind the GandCrab Ransomware were retiring, and that a patch was discovered and companies are urged to implement the...more
/ Artificial Intelligence ,
AT&T ,
Cryptocurrency ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Cyber Crimes ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Breach ,
Data Privacy ,
Digital Wallets ,
Drones ,
Facial Recognition Technology ,
Hackers ,
Identity Fraud ,
Personally Identifiable Information ,
Premera Blue Cross ,
New Year’s is a time to look back on the happenings of the year and focus on the lessons and reminders those events have provided. For our final newsletter of the year, we’d like to share with you our top 10 most read posts...more
/ Banking Sector ,
Blockchain ,
Connected Items ,
Cryptocurrency ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Breach ,
Data Privacy ,
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) ,
Drones ,
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ,
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) ,
Hackers ,
Initial Coin Offering (ICOs) ,
Investment Opportunities ,
Personally Identifiable Information ,
Popular ,
Wells Fargo
Non-profit organizations collect, use and disclose personal information just like any other for-profit industry. However, non-profit organizations often don’t have the same resources to devote to data security as their...more
/ Artificial Intelligence ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Breach ,
Data Privacy ,
Driverless Cars ,
Drones ,
Ford Motor ,
FTC Guidelines ,
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) ,
Hackers ,
Malware ,
Nonprofits ,
Ransomware ,
Regulatory Standards ,
Sandbox ,
Settlement Negotiations ,
Spoofing ,
U.S. Treasury ,
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) announced on July 19, 2018, that it is directing the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) “to develop and submit modifications to the NERC Reliability...more
/ Banking Sector ,
Bitcoin ,
Blockchain ,
Bulk Electric System ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Cyber Incident Reporting ,
Cybersecurity ,
Dark Web ,
Digital Currency ,
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) ,
Drones ,
Electricity ,
Energy Sector ,
Final Rules ,
Financial Fraud ,
Financial Institutions ,
Financial Services Industry ,
Hackers ,
LifeLock ,
Malware ,
National Security ,
Phishing Scams ,
Popular ,
Reliability Standards ,
Reporting Requirements ,
Sensitive Business Information ,
US Air Force ,
Utilities Sector ,
Virtual Currency
Ticketmaster Hit With Malware Compromising UK Customers’ Data -
Ticketmaster has reported that it has “identified malicious software on a customer support product hosted by Inbenta Technologies, an...more
/ Consumer Privacy Rights ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Data Breach ,
Data Collection ,
Entertainment Industry ,
Event Tickets ,
Hackers ,
Malware ,
New Legislation ,
Personal Data ,
Personally Identifiable Information ,
Scams ,
State and Local Government ,
State Data Breach Notification Statutes ,
Tax Preparers ,
Vacation Rentals
On June 27, 2018, the State of Connecticut Treasurer’s Office announced that about $1.4 million had been stolen from Connecticut Higher Education Trust (CHET) college-savings accounts. This theft resulted from data security...more
Financial Conduct Authority Warns Banking Industry of ICOs and Cryptocurrency -
Writing a “Dear CEO” letter to banking executives, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) warned executives on June 11,...more
/ Banking Sector ,
Bitcoin ,
Cryptocurrency ,
Currency Exchange ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Cyber Crimes ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Privacy ,
Drones ,
Energy Sector ,
False Claims Act (FCA) ,
Fidelity Investments ,
Initial Coin Offering (ICOs) ,
Legislative Agendas ,
North Korea ,
Popular ,
Risk Management ,
Shipwrecks ,
Trading Platforms ,
Unmanned Aircraft Systems ,
Wells Fargo ,
Wire Fraud
We previously reported that the FBI has warned consumers about a nasty malware, known as VPNFilter and believed to have been launched by a Russian government hacking group, which is infecting hundreds of thousands of small...more
/ Artificial Intelligence ,
Banking Sector ,
Certification Requirements ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Breach ,
Data Privacy ,
Drones ,
Event Tickets ,
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ,
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ,
Financial Regulatory Reform ,
Hackers ,
LabMD ,
Malware ,
Network Security ,
Personally Identifiable Information ,
“Orangeworm” Targeting Health Care Industry -
In what is being called a systematic targeting of large health care organizations, pharmaceutical companies, and IT companies and equipment manufacturers that service the...more
/ Blue Shield ,
Criminal Investigations ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Cyber Insurance ,
Data Breach ,
Digital Currency ,
Drones ,
Enforcement Actions ,
Extraterritoriality Rules ,
Hackers ,
Health Care Providers ,
Healthcare ,
Medical Devices ,
Personal Data ,
Risk Management ,
Scams ,
September 11th Victim Compensation Fund ,
SunTrust ,
Unmanned Aircraft Systems ,
US v Microsoft ,
Virtual Currency
On April 10, the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) members issued a joint statement discussing cyber insurance and its potential role in the risk management programs of financial institutions. ...more
/ Banking Sector ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Cyber Crimes ,
Cyber Insurance ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Breach ,
Data Protection ,
Financial Institutions ,
Hackers ,
Cybersecurity Task Force Launched in Arizona -
Arizona Governor Doug Ducey launched the Arizona Cybersecurity Team (ACT) by Executive Order on March 1, 2018. The ACT is comprised of 22 members representing officials from...more
/ Banking Sector ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Cyber Crimes ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Breach ,
Data Protection ,
Drones ,
Federal Agency Taskforce ,
Financial Services Industry ,
Hackers ,
Healthcare ,
Information Technology ,
Insurance Industry ,
Medicare ,
Personally Identifiable Information ,
Phishing Scams ,
Popular ,
Risk Management ,
State and Local Government ,
Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Apple has pushed an update to iOS 11.2 to its users. Users should consider pushing any updates that are recommended by the manufacturer, as there is usually a reason behind the update, and many times it is to fix a...more
/ Apple ,
Blockchain ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Data Breach ,
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) ,
Drones ,
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ,
Hackers ,
Mobile Apps ,
Mobile Devices ,
Popular ,
Ransomware ,
Registration Requirement ,
Risk Management ,
Smartphones ,
Technology ,
Trump Administration ,
Unmanned Aircraft Systems ,
Vulnerability Assessments
McAfee Report Lists Health Care Sector as Most Targeted Industry for Cyber-Attacks -
In its cybersecurity incident report outlining vulnerabilities for the second quarter of 2017, security firm McAfee lists the health care...more
/ Airspace ,
Class Action ,
Corruption ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Breach ,
Department of the Interior ,
Drones ,
Fast-Food Industry ,
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ,
Financial Institutions ,
FinCEN ,
Franchises ,
Hackers ,
Health Care Providers ,
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) ,
HIPAA Breach ,
Home Depot ,
Malware ,
Money Laundering ,
Netflix ,
Personally Identifiable Information ,
Ransomware ,
Restaurant Industry ,
Unmanned Aircraft Systems ,
Venezuela ,
White Collar Crimes
In an effort to combat an increasing number of fraudulent transfers carried out using its network, SWIFT, the international bank transfer network, announced this month that it is adding new tools and controls designed to...more
/ Banking Sector ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Cyber Crimes ,
Financial Institutions ,
Fraudulent Transfers ,
Hackers ,
Money Transfer ,
Popular ,
Risk Management ,
Cybersecurity specialists at BAE Systems and Symantec announced last week new evidence suggesting that the criminals behind the notorious 2014 attack on Sony Corp. are also responsible for recent cyber-attacks involving 104...more
/ Bangladesh ,
Banking Sector ,
Banks ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Cyber Crimes ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Breach ,
Data Security ,
Financial Institutions ,
Hackers ,
Malware ,
Mexico ,
Personally Identifiable Information ,
Poland ,
Popular ,
Sony ,
Symantec ,
Uruguay ,
The New York Department of Financial Services announced last week that it will revise and delay the effective date of its proposed cybersecurity regulation. The announcement came two days after New York bankers brought up a...more
UK-based Tesco Bank froze online transactions on Monday after discovering that cyber-criminals stole money from 20,000 different customer accounts. The exact method used by the perpetrators is still under review, but...more
/ Bank Accounts ,
Banking Sector ,
Banks ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Cyber Crimes ,
Financial Institutions ,
Hackers ,
Online Payments ,
Tesco ,
As cyber-attacks involving the global payment system SWIFT increase in frequency abroad, U.S. regulators are discussing steps designed to protect against similar attacks on U.S. financial institutions. The Federal Reserve,...more
An unnamed bank in Ukraine is the most recent victim in a series of cyber-attacks exploiting vulnerabilities in the international banking communications system. According to an independent IT monitoring organization, hackers...more
/ Banking Sector ,
Banks ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Cyber Crimes ,
Financial Institutions ,
Hackers ,
Money Transfer ,
Risk Assessment ,
Risk Mitigation ,
In an era of cyberwarfare, financial institutions can find themselves in the crossfire. The U.S. government indicted seven Iranian hackers last week, charging the individuals for their roles in a 2011 series of cyber-attacks...more
Long gone are the days when a financial institution’s primary security concern was protecting cash in the bank vault, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) acknowledges in its recent article, “A Framework for...more
“The Internet has a dark side,” Deputy Treasury Secretary Sarah Bloom Raskin remarked while addressing senior level banking executives at this year’s Clearing House Annual Conference. Raskin focused her comments on malicious...more