Department of Homeland Security Warns of Cyber-Attacks by Iran -
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a grave warning to U.S. businesses and critical infrastructure operators on January 6, 2020, alerting the...more
/ Assassinations ,
Critical Infrastructure Sectors ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Cyber Crimes ,
Cyber Threats ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Breach ,
Data Privacy ,
Data Protection ,
Data Security ,
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) ,
Drones ,
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ,
Financial Services Industry ,
Foreign Relations ,
Hackers ,
Information Sharing ,
Iran ,
Microsoft ,
Operating System Developers ,
Personally Identifiable Information ,
Risk Management ,
Risk Mitigation ,
Unmanned Aircraft Systems ,
Vulnerability Assessments
National Veterinary Associates (NVA), a large network of veterinary hospitals and clinics, has reportedly been the victim of a ransomware attack. According to the reports, NVA employs more than 2,600 veterinarians, with over...more
/ Aviation Industry ,
Beneficiaries ,
Biometric Information ,
Bitcoin ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Cyber Crimes ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Breach ,
Data Privacy ,
Drones ,
Hackers ,
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) ,
Medicare ,
Personally Identifiable Information ,
Popular ,
Ransomware ,
Restaurant Industry ,
Settlement Agreements ,
Virtual Currency
GandCrab Ransomware Backers Working on New Ransomware REvil -
We previously reported that the criminals behind the GandCrab Ransomware were retiring, and that a patch was discovered and companies are urged to implement the...more
/ Artificial Intelligence ,
AT&T ,
Cryptocurrency ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Cyber Crimes ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Breach ,
Data Privacy ,
Digital Wallets ,
Drones ,
Facial Recognition Technology ,
Hackers ,
Identity Fraud ,
Personally Identifiable Information ,
Premera Blue Cross ,
The North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) this week approved an information security model rule package aimed at improving the cybersecurity posture of the 17,543 state-registered advisers.
/ Contract Drafting ,
Cryptocurrency ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Privacy ,
Electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI) ,
FinCEN ,
Hackers ,
Investment Adviser ,
Mobile Apps ,
Model Rules ,
Money Laundering ,
Money Services Business ,
Phishing Scams ,
Popular ,
Securities Regulation ,
Virtual Currency ,
Following in the footsteps of the New York Department of Financial Regulation (NYDFS) in enacting cybersecurity requirements for the financial services industry, and in response to massive data breaches in the insurance...more
/ California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) ,
Cryptoassets ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Privacy ,
Drones ,
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ,
G20 ,
Hackers ,
Hiring & Firing ,
Insurance Industry ,
Job Applicants ,
Phishing Scams ,
State Labor Laws
In its C-Suite Challenge 2019, The Conference Board surveyed more than 800 CEOs and some 600 other C-Suite executives around the globe, drawing primarily from the U.S., Asia, and Europe.
/ Call Centers ,
CEOs ,
Cyber Threats ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Privacy ,
Drones ,
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) ,
FinTech ,
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) ,
Geolocation ,
Geological Data ,
Google ,
Telecommunications ,
Wire Transfers
New Year’s is a time to look back on the happenings of the year and focus on the lessons and reminders those events have provided. For our final newsletter of the year, we’d like to share with you our top 10 most read posts...more
/ Banking Sector ,
Blockchain ,
Connected Items ,
Cryptocurrency ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Breach ,
Data Privacy ,
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) ,
Drones ,
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ,
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) ,
Hackers ,
Initial Coin Offering (ICOs) ,
Investment Opportunities ,
Personally Identifiable Information ,
Popular ,
Wells Fargo
A report released by cybersecurity firm Agari has come to conclusion that we have been experiencing all year—a hacking group in Nigeria, dubbed “London Blue,” is targeting CFOs and controllers from small businesses to...more
/ Bitcoin ,
CFOs ,
Cyber Crimes ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Breach ,
Data Privacy ,
Drones ,
FinTech ,
Google ,
Hackers ,
HIPAA Breach ,
Marriott ,
Pensions ,
Retirement Plan ,
Safety Inspections ,
Securities Litigation ,
Smart Contracts ,
Stock Prices ,
Vulnerable Victims ,
Workplace Safety
Some analysts have predicted that by 2020, there will be 20 billion Internet of Things (IoT) connected devices worldwide, which could grow to over 80 billion by 2025. Global sales of IoT devices were $80 billion in 2017, and...more
/ Cybersecurity ,
Data Privacy ,
Drones ,
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) ,
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) ,
HIPAA Breach ,
Identity Theft ,
Internet of Things ,
Tax Scams ,
Unmanned Aircraft Systems ,
Non-profit organizations collect, use and disclose personal information just like any other for-profit industry. However, non-profit organizations often don’t have the same resources to devote to data security as their...more
/ Artificial Intelligence ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Breach ,
Data Privacy ,
Driverless Cars ,
Drones ,
Ford Motor ,
FTC Guidelines ,
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) ,
Hackers ,
Malware ,
Nonprofits ,
Ransomware ,
Regulatory Standards ,
Sandbox ,
Settlement Negotiations ,
Spoofing ,
U.S. Treasury ,
Financial Conduct Authority Warns Banking Industry of ICOs and Cryptocurrency -
Writing a “Dear CEO” letter to banking executives, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) warned executives on June 11,...more
/ Banking Sector ,
Bitcoin ,
Cryptocurrency ,
Currency Exchange ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Cyber Crimes ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Privacy ,
Drones ,
Energy Sector ,
False Claims Act (FCA) ,
Fidelity Investments ,
Initial Coin Offering (ICOs) ,
Legislative Agendas ,
North Korea ,
Popular ,
Risk Management ,
Shipwrecks ,
Trading Platforms ,
Unmanned Aircraft Systems ,
Wells Fargo ,
Wire Fraud
We previously reported that the FBI has warned consumers about a nasty malware, known as VPNFilter and believed to have been launched by a Russian government hacking group, which is infecting hundreds of thousands of small...more
/ Artificial Intelligence ,
Banking Sector ,
Certification Requirements ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Breach ,
Data Privacy ,
Drones ,
Event Tickets ,
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ,
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ,
Financial Regulatory Reform ,
Hackers ,
LabMD ,
Malware ,
Network Security ,
Personally Identifiable Information ,
As of February 15, 2018, banks, insurance companies, and other financial services institutions and licensees regulated by the New York Department of Financial Services (DFS) are required to file their first certification of...more
/ Banking Sector ,
Bitcoin ,
Blockchain ,
Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) ,
Cybersecurity ,
Cybersecurity Framework ,
Data Privacy ,
Data Protection ,
Digital Currency ,
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) ,
Drones ,
Extortion ,
Financial Institutions ,
Financial Services Industry ,
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) ,
Information Technology ,
Insurance Industry ,
Medical Records ,
No-Fly Zones ,
Olympics ,
Popular ,
Risk Management ,
Virtual Currency
The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) has recently developed a new tool to help U.S. financial institutions combat the increasing volume and sophistication of cyber attacks. To blunt threats to a...more
/ Banking Sector ,
Banks ,
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Cyber Crimes ,
Cyber Threats ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Breach ,
Data Privacy ,
Data Protection ,
Data Security ,
Federal Reserve ,
Financial Institutions ,
Hackers ,