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Data Privacy + Cybersecurity Insider - December 2019

National Veterinary Associates (NVA), a large network of veterinary hospitals and clinics, has reportedly been the victim of a ransomware attack. According to the reports, NVA employs more than 2,600 veterinarians, with over...more

The Future of Stablecoins—Anything But Stable?

Stablecoin currencies such as Facebook’s Libra may pose systemic risks to the global financial system, according to a recently released Federal Reserve Report. In its Financial Stability Report released on November 19, 2019,...more

Data Privacy + Cybersecurity Insider - May 2019 #4

The North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) this week approved an information security model rule package aimed at improving the cybersecurity posture of the 17,543 state-registered advisers. ...more

New FinCEN Cryptocurrency Guidance Clarifies Applicability of Anti-Money Laundering Regulations to Virtual Currency Business...

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) is the U.S. Treasury Department bureau charged with monitoring financial transactions in order to combat domestic and international money laundering, terrorist financing and...more

ILCs, the OCC, and the Future of Fintech Banking

Industrial Loan Companies (ILCs) are a different kind of financial institution. The ILC is a state-chartered FDIC-insured depository financial institution with certain advantages common to banks but without all of the...more

Data Privacy + Cybersecurity Insider - Recap of the Top Read Blog Posts in 2018

New Year’s is a time to look back on the happenings of the year and focus on the lessons and reminders those events have provided. For our final newsletter of the year, we’d like to share with you our top 10 most read posts...more

A Very Smart Primer on Smart Contracts—An Example of What One Financial Services Regulator is Doing to Foster FinTech

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s LabCFTC recently released “A CFTC Primer on Smart Contracts” as part of LabCFTC’s effort to engage with innovators and market participants on a range of financial technology...more

Data Privacy + Cybersecurity Insider - June 2018 #2

CYBERSECURITY - Financial Conduct Authority Warns Banking Industry of ICOs and Cryptocurrency - Writing a “Dear CEO” letter to banking executives, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) warned executives on June 11,...more

Rumor Mill Suggests Fidelity Investments Might Open Cryptocurrency Exchange

While many traditional financial institutions hesitate to embrace cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, a recent news report suggests that Fidelity Investments, the fourth largest U.S. asset manager, is looking to enter the fray....more

Data Privacy + Cybersecurity Insider - June 2018 #1

We previously reported that the FBI has warned consumers about a nasty malware, known as VPNFilter and believed to have been launched by a Russian government hacking group, which is infecting hundreds of thousands of small...more

Opening a Bank Account with a Smartphone—Dodd-Frank Roll-Back Making Online Banking Easier

President Trump recently signed into law the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act, which is already making waves in the financial sector for its repeal of certain Dodd-Frank provisions that were...more

FFIEC Members Issue Joint Statement to Financial Institutions on Role of Cyber Insurance as Risk Management Tool

On April 10, the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) members issued a joint statement discussing cyber insurance and its potential role in the risk management programs of financial institutions. ...more

Data Privacy + Cybersecurity Insider - March 2018 #2

Cybersecurity Task Force Launched in Arizona - Arizona Governor Doug Ducey launched the Arizona Cybersecurity Team (ACT) by Executive Order on March 1, 2018. The ACT is comprised of 22 members representing officials from...more

New York’s Landmark Cybersecurity Regulation Amendment Proposed, Deadlines Looming

On February 15, 2018, banks, insurance companies, and other financial services institutions and licensees regulated by the New York Department of Financial Services (DFS) will be required to file their first certification of...more

Data Privacy + Cybersecurity Insider - January 2018 #3

Think Tank Says Nuclear Missiles Can be Inadvertently Launched Through Cyber-Attacks - Just before the false alarm in Hawaii last weekend when residents were erroneously warned of an impending missile attack, think tank...more

Another Hitch in the Crypto Boom? North Korean Malware Hijacks Computers to Mine Monero Cryptocurrency

Researchers at cybersecurity firm AlienVault have discovered a computer virus of North Korean origin which infects and hijacks computers in order to mine Monero, a private digital currency which styles itself as “secure,...more

Data Privacy + Cybersecurity Insider - December 2017 #3

Apple has pushed an update to iOS 11.2 to its users. Users should consider pushing any updates that are recommended by the manufacturer, as there is usually a reason behind the update, and many times it is to fix a...more

New Nevada Law Recognizes Enforceability of Blockchain Transactions; Blocks Local Government Regulation and Taxation

Senate Bill 398, unanimously passed by the Nevada legislature and signed into law by the Governor on June 5th, represents the most far-reaching state legislation to date concerning the use of blockchain technology. Blockchain...more

SWIFT Shores Up Network Security With Real Time Cybersecurity Tools

In an effort to combat an increasing number of fraudulent transfers carried out using its network, SWIFT, the international bank transfer network, announced this month that it is adding new tools and controls designed to...more

Sony Cyber-Attackers Lurking at Financial Supervisor “Watering Hole” Target Banks and Others

Cybersecurity specialists at BAE Systems and Symantec announced last week new evidence suggesting that the criminals behind the notorious 2014 attack on Sony Corp. are also responsible for recent cyber-attacks involving 104...more

FDIC cybersecurity framework features four areas critical to bank security

Long gone are the days when a financial institution’s primary security concern was protecting cash in the bank vault, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) acknowledges in its recent article, “A Framework for...more

New Landmark Consumer Disclosure Rules Trigger Privacy Concerns

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s new “Know Before You Owe” mortgage disclosure rule is designed to prevent surprises at the closing table, but with increased transparency come concerns over borrower and seller...more

Protecting financial institutions in cyberspace—U.S. financial regulators come up with a new tool kit to stem cyberthreats

The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) has recently developed a new tool to help U.S. financial institutions combat the increasing volume and sophistication of cyber attacks. To blunt threats to a...more

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