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How Risk Managers and Employers Can Address Worker Safety Amid Rising Temperatures

The year 2023 marked the hottest year in recorded history, with cities across the United States breaking records for consecutive days of extreme heat. These conditions forced risk managers to reassess heat safety protocols...more

Implications of Recent Spike in Inflation on Workers’ Compensation Claims

Overview of Medical Inflation and Workers’ Compensation - Inflation began to spike in late 2021 and has continued to rise at a moderate to high rate through 2024. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, as of...more

Implications of Job Growth on Workers’ Compensation Claims

The U.S. Labor Department reported in May 2024 that 272,000 new jobs were added to the labor force. This significant increase naturally leads to a rise in workers’ compensation premiums due to higher wages and an increase in...more

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