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Are Arbitration Agreements Fair and Consistent With Company Culture?

This series (Is Arbitration the Answer? and Can Arbitration Agreements Protect Employers Against Class Actions?) examines whether an employee arbitration program can help minimize legal risks from COVID-19 and beyond....more

Retail Detail: Can Retail Gig Workers Be Treated As Non-Employees? A Federal Court Casts Doubt

In recent years, the retail sector’s use of non-employee gig workers has grown dramatically.  Both retailers and brand-name distributors have increasingly used workers who accept work on a project-by-project basis to load and...more

Call Center Employees in Massachusetts Win Claim For Sunday Premium Pay

Seyfarth Synopsis: A Massachusetts trial court judge ruled that employees were entitled to premium pay for work on Sundays at a call center, under a Massachusetts statute governing Sunday and holiday work at a retail “store...more

Tips on Avoiding Wage And Hour Lawsuits in Massachusetts - Tip #4: Review Independent Contractor Relationships

Among the most common types of wage and hour lawsuits in Massachusetts are independent contractor misclassification suits. These actions arise when an individual who provides a service claims that: (1) he or she was...more

Tips on Avoiding Wage and Hour Lawsuits in Massachusetts: Tip #3: Conduct an Off-the-Clock Work Audit

Even fair-minded employers, with sound policies, face “off-the-clock” claims. That is, employers have to defend against lawsuits in which employees argue that they worked hours for which their employers failed to pay them. ...more

Tips On Avoiding Wage And Hour Lawsuits in Massachusetts - Tip #2: Consider Conducting a Pay Equity Audit

Effective July 1, 2018, the Massachusetts Equal Pay Act (the “Act”) requires employers to pay employees of different genders equal wages for comparable work unless the difference in pay is explained by the Act’s enumerated...more

Tips on Avoiding Wage and Hour Lawsuits in Massachusetts - Tip #1: Consider An Arbitration Agreement—With A Class Action Waiver

Tip #1: Consider An Arbitration Agreement—With A Class Action Waiver - Until recently, there has been much debate about the enforceability of arbitration agreements containing class action waivers. Courts disagreed as to...more

How Narrow Is A Discrimination Plaintiff’s Road To Trial In The Eleventh Circuit?

Seyfarth Synopsis: Although an employee can prove discrimination by showing that an employer’s reasons for adverse action are pretextual, the Eleventh Circuit finds that an employee must do more than merely contest the...more

The Baton Passes Back to the East Coast: Prior Salary Ban Passed in Delaware and Philadelphia Law Suit Challenging Prior Salary...

Seyfarth Synopsis: There have been two big updates on the prior salary front. First, Delaware joins the growing number of states and local jurisdictions with its enactment of a law preventing employers from requesting salary...more

Lawsuit Challenging Philadelphia Salary History Ban Ordinance Dismissed

Seyfarth Synopsis: UPDATE: The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania dismissed the challenge to the Philadelphia ordinance on May 30, 2017 based upon the Chamber of Commerce for Greater...more

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