Citing findings from the Dechert Antitrust Merger Investigation Timing Tracker (DAMITT) that have demonstrated a marked increase in the duration of significant merger investigations in recent years, DOJ Assistant Attorney...more
/ Antitrust Investigations ,
Antitrust Litigation ,
Department of Justice (DOJ) ,
Discovery ,
EU ,
EU Merger Directive ,
European Commission ,
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ,
Merger Controls ,
Mergers ,
Preliminary Injunctions ,
Fast Facts
- The numbers of significant antitrust merger investigations in the U.S. and the EU both are on pace to match 2017 levels.
- Bayer/Monsanto was resolved after a more than 24-month investigation in the U.S., the...more
/ Acquisitions ,
Antitrust Investigations ,
AT&T ,
Bayer ,
Department of Justice (DOJ) ,
Enforcement Actions ,
EU ,
European Commission ,
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ,
Mergers ,
Fast Facts
- There are signs that the six-year trend toward longer significant investigations may be slowing or reversing.
- Significant U.S. merger investigations lasted an average of 9.7 months in Q1 2018, the second...more
/ Antitrust Investigations ,
Antitrust Litigation ,
AT&T ,
Bayer ,
Department of Justice (DOJ) ,
Enforcement Actions ,
EU ,
European Merger Control Regulation ,
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ,
Hart-Scott-Rodino Act ,
Merger Controls ,
Mergers ,
Monsanto ,
Time Warner ,
Trump Administration
Fast Facts -
The length of significant U.S. merger investigations climbed to an average of 10.8 months in 2017, a new DAMITT record, despite the number of investigations dropping by more than 20%.
There are signs of a...more
Fast Facts -
The number of significant merger investigations was down slightly to 12 in 1H 2017 compared to 14 in 1H 2016, and 31 on a Rolling Twelve Months (RTM) basis compared to 36 during the prior period....more
Fast Facts
- Significant merger investigations lasted an average of 9.9 months in 2016, a new DAMITT record.
- The 33 significant investigations in 2016 were the second most in the past six years, but down...more
Fast Facts -
- In the first three quarters of 2016, there were 24 significant merger investigations, which is on pace to challenge the record of 37 set in CY2015.
- Significant merger investigations through Q3 2016...more
Fast Facts -
- Significant merger investigations during the first half of 2016 lasted 9.5 months on average—on par with CY2015, but more than 30 percent longer than from 2011 to 2013.
- In the first half of 2016,...more
The Trend of Longer Investigations Continues -
Significant merger investigations lasted 9.5 months on average over the 12 months ending Q1 2016, about 20% longer than the 8.0 month average over the prior 12 months. The...more
Dechert’s Antitrust Merger Investigation Timing Tracker (DAMITT) is at it again compiling data from 2015.
Fast Facts -
- Merger investigations in 2015 took an average of
9.6 months to conduct (more than 1/3...more
Dechert’s Antitrust Merger Investigation Timing Tracker (DAMITT) finds that significant antitrust merger investigations in the U.S. currently are taking 10 months which is about 30%-40% longer than in prior years....more