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U.S. Senate Approves Kigali Amendments Governing HFC Emissions

On Wednesday, September 21, 2022, the U.S. Senate gave its advice and consent to the ratification of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer by a bipartisan vote of 69-27. The...more

Latin American Environmental Regulatory Tracker

This month’s tracker reflects key initiatives from May 16, 2017 – June 15, 2017. Latin America is moving full speed ahead to adopt and implement Climate Change Convention commitments, signaling that greenhouse gas ...more

Latin American Environmental Regulatory Tracker

Latin America continues it vigorous and progressive introduction of wide ranging environmental and sustainability issues. Some highlighted activity to reflect the range: Sustainability. Signaling what may be a future...more

Latin American Environmental Regulatory Tracker

This month, Latin American countries sustain their pace issuing progressive environmental measures, and the Region continues to emerge as a global leader on sustainability issues. Product recycling requirements matured...more

Latin American Environmental Regulatory Tracker

This month’s tracker reflects key initiatives from September 16 – October 15, 2016. Initiatives to reduce and manage packaging wastes appear to be gaining traction, particularly in Argentina, which enacted a new...more

Latin American Environmental Regulatory Tracker

This month’s tracker reflects key initiatives from August 16 – September 15, 2016. Climate change legislation predominates in this report, with Argentina, Brazil and Mexico all ratifying the Paris Agreement, Colombia...more

Latin American Environmental Regulatory Tracker

This month’s tracker reflects key initiatives from June 16 - July 15, 2016. Brazil’s proposal to establish the region’s first comprehensive chemical regulatory program is the top story of this issue. Elsewhere, Chile...more

Latin American Environmental Regulatory Tracker

This month’s tracker reflects key initiatives from March 15 - April 15, 2016. Latin America continues to focus on product stewardship initiatives covering a host of issues. This month we see new green-marketing...more

Latin American Environmental Regulatory Tracker

This month’s tracker reflects key initiatives from January 15, 2015 – February 15, 2016. LAR is quickly embracing consumer-right-to-know initiatives through a host of new proposed labeling and product claims standards....more

Latin American Environmental Regulatory Tracker

This month’s tracker reflects key initiatives from December 15, 2015 – January 15, 2016. Happy New Year! Although activity typically slows down over the holidays, the New Year is off to a fast start, signaling what will...more

Latin American Environmental Regulatory Tracker

After a fall busy with climate change initiatives in advance of the Paris negotiations, recent proposals reflect a resurgence of waste and product take-back initiatives. Key among these are the repeal and revision of Peru’s...more

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