New York’s highest court, settling a long-standing question dividing state and federal courts, has held that the New York State and City anti-discrimination statutes apply to non-residents who apply for jobs that would be...more
Seyfarth Synopsis: We recently reported here that New York adopted an increased salary threshold of $1,300 per week for determining whether an employee serves in an “executive,” “administrative,” or “professional” capacity...more
New York Governor Kathy Hochul recently signed legislation (S.B. 5572) that, effective March 13, 2024, will change the salary threshold governing various exemptions under Article 6 of the New York Labor Law (“NYLL”)....more
/ Employer Liability Issues ,
Exempt-Employees ,
Labor Reform ,
Minimum Salary ,
Minimum Wage ,
New Legislation ,
New York ,
Non-Exempt Employees ,
Over-Time ,
State Labor Laws ,
Wage and Hour ,
White-Collar Exemptions
Seyfarth Synopsis: New York Governor Kathy Hochul has signed legislation that, effective immediately, adds wage theft to the definition of “larceny” under the state’s penal code, creating potentially harsh penalties for the...more