Latest Posts › Federal Trade Commission (FTC)


FTC Targets Auto Dealers, Alleges Deceptive Financing Practices

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has filed an action against nine auto dealerships and their individual owners in a California federal court that the FTC described as its "first action against an auto dealer for 'yo-yo'...more

FTC Consent Order Creates Uncertainty for Advertising of Credit, Lease Offers

A recent Federal Trade Commission (FTC) consent order with two Ohio auto dealers creates uncertainty not only for auto dealers, but also for all other businesses advertising credit or lease offers. The order settled...more

FTC Proposes Survey of Consumer Experience in Financing Auto Purchases through Dealers

The Federal Trade Commission has announced plans to conduct a survey of consumers regarding their experiences in buying and financing automobiles at dealerships. According to the supplementary information in the notice...more

‘Operation Ruse Control’ Announcement Highlights Importance of Auto Finance Compliance

The Federal Trade Commission—and numerous other federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies in the United States and Canada—recently announced that an enforcement initiative dubbed “Operation Ruse Control” has resulted...more

Federal Trade Commission Seeks Comments on Proposed Changes to Used Car Rule

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently announced that it is seeking supplemental public comments on proposed changes to its Used Motor Vehicle Trade Regulation Rule (Used Car Rule) and the Used Car Buyers Guide (Buyers...more

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