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After NLRB v. Canning: A Practical Guide For Employers

The Supreme Court’s decision last week in NLRB v. Canning left many employers scratching their heads – and with good reason. Sure, the unanimous ruling served as a rebuke to the Obama Administration, and hundreds of...more

Supreme Court Strikes NLRB Recess Appointments

The United States Supreme Court has struck down President Obama’s controversial 2012 nominations to the NLRB, holding that the President violated the Constitution by using his recess appointments power when the Senate was...more

U.S. Supreme Court Will Rule on Obama’s Recess Appointments

The fate of hundreds of mostly pro-union federal agency rulings now rests with the U.S. Supreme Court. The Court this week agreed to take up Noel v. Canning, the case involving President Obama’s controversial recess...more

Analysis: Controversy Surrounding Obama’s NLRB Recess Appointees

As an employer, you may be perplexed by the flap over President Obama’s recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) and concerned about what it all means for business....more

President Obama To Abandon Recess Appointees to the NLRB

The drama surrounding President Barack Obama’s recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) took an unexpected twist this week as the President announced his intention to nominate three new members....more

NLRB Will Ask Supreme Court To Affirm Board Members

The National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) announced today that it would ask the U.S. Supreme Court to review a federal court ruling that invalidated the appointment of three members and put hundreds of mostly pro-union...more

Senator Introduces Bill To Freeze NLRB Decisions

Hundreds of National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) actions, many of which make it easier for workers to unionize, would be frozen or invalidated under legislation proposed this week by Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wy)....more

Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down President Obama’s NLRB Appointments

In a decision that could have an enormous impact on employers, a federal appeals court has ruled that President Barrack Obama violated the Constitution when he appointed three members to the National Labor Relations Board...more

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