Illinois has established a comprehensive regulatory framework for the development of carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) projects. The state's legislature has passed Senate Bill 1289, also known as the SAFE CCS Act, which...more
/ Carbon Capture and Sequestration ,
Carbon Emissions ,
Clean Air Act ,
Energy Sector ,
Environmental Policies ,
Greenhouse Gas Emissions ,
Illinois ,
Pipelines ,
Proposed Regulation ,
Regulatory Agenda ,
Safety Standards
Since the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) granted Louisiana primary enforcement authority over Class VI underground injection wells, there have been a number of legislative developments aimed at regulating carbon...more
Executive Summary -
The State of Louisiana recently achieved a significant milestone in the regulation of the carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) industry by obtaining primary enforcement authority (primacy) over Class...more
/ Carbon Capture and Sequestration ,
Carbon Emissions ,
Department of Natural Resources ,
Environmental Justice ,
Environmental Policies ,
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ,
Louisiana ,
Permits ,
Regulatory Oversight ,
Risk Mitigation ,
Underground Injection Wells
When I think about transformations in the energy industry, I often think of the great inventor Thomas Edison, who was not only responsible for hundreds of important inventions but who also set the stage for a breakthrough...more
/ Biden Administration ,
Carbon Capture and Sequestration ,
Charging Stations ,
Clean Energy ,
Climate Change ,
Critical Infrastructure Sectors ,
Cybersecurity ,
Electric Vehicles ,
Green Deal ,
Hydrogen Power ,
Imports ,
Offshore Wind ,
Renewable Energy ,
Silica ,
Supply Chain ,
Tax Credits ,
Withhold Release Orders (WROs)
On March 17, 2021, U.S. Senators Chris Coons (D-Del.) and Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-La.) and U.S. Representatives Marc Veasey (D-Texas) and David McKinley (R-W.Va.) introduced the Storing CO2 And Lowering Emissions (SCALE) Act. ...more
/ Carbon Capture and Sequestration ,
Energy Policy ,
Energy Reform ,
Federal Funding ,
Legislative Agendas ,
Oil & Gas ,
Power Infrastructure ,
Regulatory Agenda ,
Storage Contracts ,
Tax Credits ,
Underground Injection Wells
The energy industry continues to evolve as sectors converge and as demand, supply and consumer preferences change. The global economy is shifting to lower-carbon sources of energy, coinciding with (or resulting from) a...more
/ Biofuel ,
Biomass ,
Carbon Capture and Sequestration ,
Clean Energy ,
Climate Change ,
Energy Policy ,
Energy Reform ,
Environmental Social & Governance (ESG) ,
Oil & Gas ,
Renewable Energy ,
Wind Power