Illinois has established a comprehensive regulatory framework for the development of carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) projects. The state's legislature has passed Senate Bill 1289, also known as the SAFE CCS Act, which...more
/ Carbon Capture and Sequestration ,
Carbon Emissions ,
Clean Air Act ,
Energy Sector ,
Environmental Policies ,
Greenhouse Gas Emissions ,
Illinois ,
Pipelines ,
Proposed Regulation ,
Regulatory Agenda ,
Safety Standards
Since the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) granted Louisiana primary enforcement authority over Class VI underground injection wells, there have been a number of legislative developments aimed at regulating carbon...more
Executive Summary -
The State of Louisiana recently achieved a significant milestone in the regulation of the carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) industry by obtaining primary enforcement authority (primacy) over Class...more
/ Carbon Capture and Sequestration ,
Carbon Emissions ,
Department of Natural Resources ,
Environmental Justice ,
Environmental Policies ,
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ,
Louisiana ,
Permits ,
Regulatory Oversight ,
Risk Mitigation ,
Underground Injection Wells
On January 27, 2021, President Biden signed Executive Order 14008, Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad (the “Order”). The Order sets forth the Biden administration’s policies to address climate change through both...more
/ Biden Administration ,
Climate Change ,
Energy Projects ,
Environmental Policies ,
Executive Orders ,
Export-Import Bank of the US ,
Funding ,
Infrastructure ,
Oil & Gas ,
Procurement Guidelines ,
Regulatory Agenda ,
World Bank