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Securities Enforcement Forum Central 2024: SEC Enforcement Trends and Priorities Ahead of New Statistical Year

Senior Division of Enforcement officials from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) spoke with SEC alumni, private practitioners, and other professionals at the Securities Enforcement Forum Central 2024 (the...more

SEC Speaks 2016: Enforcement Agenda Goes Beyond Disclosure

At the annual “SEC Speaks” conference held February 19-20, 2016, in Washington, D.C., the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s senior leadership reviewed the agency’s efforts and priorities in 2015 and previewed upcoming...more

Searching for Greener Pastures: SEC Insider Trading Enforcement in a Post-Newman Era

In United States v. Newman, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit dealt a substantial blow to federal prosecutors’ epic crackdown on insider trading by raising the bar for the government’s burden of proof in...more

SEC Speaks: Agency Takes Back-To-Basics Approach In Face Of Changing Leadership, Congressional Mandates And New Technologies

The annual “SEC Speaks” conference, in which Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) representatives review the agency’s efforts over the past year and preview the year to come, was held on February 22-23, 2013. A...more

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