Lenders and borrowers in US leveraged finance markets have had to recalibrate pricing and issuance volume expectations in 2022 in the face of rising inflation and interest rates....more
Management teams and private equity (PE) sponsors have successfully deployed a range of liability management tools to steer companies through the COVID-19 downturn and avoid both bankruptcies and full-blown restructurings. ...more
/ Analytics ,
Borrowers ,
Commercial Bankruptcy ,
Coronavirus/COVID-19 ,
Corporate Restructuring ,
Covenant Lite Deals ,
Debt ,
Financial Crisis ,
Leveraged Finance ,
Leveraged Loans ,
Private Equity ,
Relief Measures ,
Plentiful liquidity supports a year-on-year rise in high yield bond issuance in the US, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region - High yield bond markets posted strong gains in the US, Europe and the Asia Pacific region (excluding...more