Extra, Extra, Read All About It!
We have a major update! If you’re a subscriber to our blog, you have likely caught wind of our recent rebrand to ADventures in Law. Overflowing with a dynamic mix of weekly blogs, engaging...more
/ Advertising ,
Breach of Contract ,
Breach of Duty ,
CARS Rule ,
Christian Louboutin ,
Compliance ,
Educational Institutions ,
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ,
Fiduciary Duty ,
Logos ,
Nonprofits ,
Rulemaking Process ,
Trademark Infringement ,
Trademarks ,
Unfair Competition
Ex-Reality Star Sues To Protect His Likeness Against AI -
‘Big Brother’ runner-up’s fame may be in doubt, but his case has legs -
New Contender -
Let’s turn our attention to Kyland Young v. NeoCortext, Inc., an...more
/ Advertising ,
Anti-SLAPP ,
Artificial Intelligence ,
Brand ,
Celebrities ,
Charitable Organizations ,
Compliance ,
Consumer Product Companies ,
Dietary Supplements ,
Dilution ,
Fashion Branding ,
Fashion Design ,
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ,
Holidays ,
Jury Trial ,
Levi Strauss ,
Marketing ,
Name and Likeness ,
Product Labels ,
Right of Publicity ,
Scams ,
Telecommunications ,
Trademark Infringement ,
Trademarks ,
Unfair Competition ,
Wellness Programs
Rapper 50 Cent Settles with Plastic Surgery Clinician -
Claims clinic owner used snapshot to suggest ... something embarrassing -
A Question You Wouldn’t Ask in Person -
50 Cent—rapper, TV producer, actor—once...more
Game Developer Dodges Loot Box Suit -
In-app epi-games are not the same as slot machines, court says.
Again with the Noises and Bright Lights -
It’s been a while since we reported on defendant Supercell’s...more
/ Anti-SLAPP ,
Artistic Works ,
Breach Notification Rule ,
Celebrity Endorsements ,
Coinbase ,
Cryptoassets ,
Data Breach ,
Data-Sharing ,
Endorsements ,
False Advertising ,
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ,
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) ,
Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) ,
Personally Identifiable Information ,
Protected Activity ,
Sensitive Personal Information ,
Stock Options ,
Trademark Infringement ,
Trademarks ,
TTAB Emancipates “Queen of Christmas” from Mimi -
Mariah Carey lets mark registration go unchallenged -
Breakdown -
Mariah Carey takes a lot of guff for...strange behavior. We won’t review the stories here; poring...more
/ Business Opportunity Laws ,
China ,
Class Action ,
Copyright ,
Copyright Infringement ,
Copyright Litigation ,
Enforcement ,
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ,
Gaming ,
Holidays ,
Music ,
Online Gaming ,
Place of Origin ,
Trademark Trial and Appeal Board ,
Trademarks ,
Unfair Competition ,
CSPI to FDA: Move to the Front!
Watchdog barks at industry efforts to highlight nutrition facts -
Gesundheit FOPNL. It’s sweeping the globe. What is it, you ask? A new government agency? An awful skin condition? A...more
/ Advertising ,
Children's Products ,
False Advertising ,
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ,
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ,
Food Labeling ,
Influencers ,
Lanham Act ,
Made in the USA ,
Masks ,
Mobile Apps ,
Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) ,
Nutrition Facts Labels ,
Personal Information ,
Product Labels ,
Right of Publicity ,
Trademark Infringement ,
Trademarks ,
Unfair Competition
TINA Investigation Sours on HelloFresh -
America’s #1 food-box provider is deploying dark patterns, says watchdog -
When it comes to ingredients and suppliers, HelloFresh is all about disclosure....more
/ Advertising ,
Data Privacy ,
Fashion Design ,
Fashion Industry ,
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ,
Incentives ,
License Renewals ,
Loss of Goodwill ,
Material Disclosures ,
Natural Products ,
Trademark Infringement ,
Trademark Litigation ,
Trademarks ,
Transparency ,
Web Browsers
SDNY: Pepperidge Farm Butter Suit Is Half-Baked - Stalking suit plaintiffs’ counsel is kicked out of the kitchen again - All Publicity Is Good Publicity - As a rule, we don’t mention the names of the law firms involved in the...more
Sean Combs Opens New Front in War Against GBG Sean John - Accuses majority holder of using election-related trademarks to sell goods - Puffy Prologue - The lawsuit between Sean John Combs (AKA Puff Daddy, AKA P. Diddy, AKA...more
/ Advertising ,
Cannabidiol (CBD) oil ,
Class Action ,
Dietary Supplements ,
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ,
Genericide ,
Marketing ,
Name and Likeness ,
Trademark Registration ,
Trademarks ,
“The Dog Ate My Plush Toy” Doesn’t Fly in Orca Case - Sea World prevails in bench trial when plaintiff fails to produce stuffed toy - Whale of a… Okay, okay, it’s a class action involving Sea World’s former orca shows—you...more
I’m Counting, and I Can’t Add Up! Is medical alert systems manufacturer Life Alert fudging some deadly serious numbers? League of Legends - “I’ve fallen, and I can’t get up!” The genius who cooked up this line belongs in the...more
Jeff Dunham Tries to Bring Curtain Down on T-Shirt Company - Accuses ooshirts of profiting off his career, with a COVID spin - Comedy for Dummies - Think of the biggest acts in comedy. Names like Chris Rock, Amy Schumer,...more