On November 3, 2020, five states had initiatives on the ballot to legalize the recreational and/or medical use of marijuana, and all five initiatives easily passed. Arizona, Montana, and New Jersey voted in favor of...more
/ Anti-Discrimination Policies ,
Ballot Measures ,
Compassionate Use Act ,
Corporate Counsel ,
Decriminalization of Marijuana ,
Employment Policies ,
Marijuana ,
Medical Marijuana ,
New Legislation ,
Recreational Use ,
State and Local Government ,
State Constitutions ,
Zero Tolerance Policies
On November 3, 2020, Arizona voters decisively approved Proposition 207, the Smart and Safe Arizona Act, to legalize recreational marijuana. As a result of the election, both medical and recreational marijuana are officially...more
Following termination stemming from a positive drug test for marijuana, a Native American female, appearing pro se, filed a federal lawsuit against her former employer, Mohave County’s Public Works Department. She alleged...more
/ Commercial Driving Licenses ,
Discrimination ,
Disparate Treatment ,
Drug Testing ,
Due Process ,
Employment Policies ,
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) ,
Hiring & Firing ,
Native American Issues ,
Public Employees ,
Summary Judgment