On June 29, 2023, the United States Supreme Court reversed the Third Circuit and clarified that Title VII of the Civil Rights of Act 1964 (“Title VII”) requires a covered employer that denies a religious accommodation to show...more
/ Civil Rights Act ,
De Minimus Doctrine ,
Employer Liability Issues ,
Groff v DeJoy ,
Reasonable Accommodation ,
Religious Accommodation ,
Substantial Burden ,
Title VII ,
Undue Hardship ,
Earlier today, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court held that a victim of childhood sexual abuse must exercise due diligence to discover whether an institutional or corporate principal of the abuser is also a cause of their...more
A decision by a two-judge panel of the Superior Court this March sua sponte announced that there are different rules for allocating liability among multiple tortfeasors solely based on whether or not a plaintiff contributed...more
The recent derailment of Pennsylvania’s constitutional amendment to revive all childhood sexual abuse cases may not have quite the impact as was widely reported. The media has generally portrayed this derailment as a setback...more
New Jersey has recently expanded liability for product distributors and manufacturers to products that the distributor/manufacturer did not make or sell. This alert discusses this new law and steps that distributors and...more
Experienced trial attorneys know that jurors are not interchangeable empty vessels. Each juror enters the jury box with a wide range of experiences, beliefs and attitudes, and may be more or less inclined toward reaching a...more
While courts across the country are largely unavailable to litigants demanding a jury trial, pre-judgment interest rules present an increasing penalty risk to a defendant wanting its day in court and may not always make a...more
The COVID-19 pandemic has generally put a stop to in-person depositions nationwide. Many litigants and their attorneys have also resisted attempts to proceed with remote video depositions, some holding out for the pandemic to...more
When will the trial court in Philadelphia County be open for jury trials in civil actions? While a precise prediction, given the current state of our trial courts in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, is difficult to make,...more
With the process of allowing non-essential businesses to reopen beginning, businesses are being confronted with numerous complex and inter-related questions on how to best proceed with restarting operations. This process will...more
In the coming weeks, workers are expected to return to the workforce, consequentially, with an increased potential for COVID-19 exposure. Infections manifesting with symptoms after the employee returns to work will likely...more
Supply-chain businesses that are appropriately characterized as “essential” have remained open for the delivery of critical supplies while everyone else has been told to close up shop and stay home. Now essential-business...more
/ Business Closures ,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ,
Civil Liability ,
Commercial Property Owners ,
Coronavirus/COVID-19 ,
Emergency Management Plans ,
Negligence ,
Negligence Per Se ,
Non-Essential Businesses ,
Operators of Essential Services ,
Reasonableness Factors ,
Relief Measures ,
Supply Chain ,
Workplace Safety
Due to COVID-19 concerns and government-imposed restrictions, many businesses have endured and are likely to continue to endure unprecedented supply chain disruptions. Manufacturers, materialmen, wholesalers, processers,...more
The emergence and rapid spread of COVID-19 has created extraordinary circumstances that have significantly impacted how we go about living, working and interacting with one another. The practice of law is no exception....more
Service of process usually requires person-to-person contact and is an essential part of civil procedure. It notifies the defendant of the legal proceedings against him/her and establishes jurisdiction. “Process” refers to...more
Thinking about ignoring your state or local COVID-19 shutdown orders? Think again. Social-distance measures may create a new source of liability for businesses operating during the COVID-19 pandemic. Infection-based...more
The COVID-19 pandemic has done more than rock the world on its heels –– it has become a wake-up call to businesses and industries lagging behind in digital transformation. The legal field, an institution rooted in laws...more
Cases brought under the Child Victims Act (CVA) in New York City are on a temporary hold. On December 11, 2019, the Deputy Chief Administrative Judge of the New York City Courts issued an administrative order to manage CVA...more
The reach of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) extends to companies and individuals. One example of the breadth and significance of FCPA prosecutions is found in the federal government’s investigation of Alstom S.A., a...more
/ Bribery ,
Criminal Prosecution ,
Department of Justice (DOJ) ,
Enforcement Actions ,
Extraterritoriality Rules ,
Foreign Corporations ,
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) ,
Foreign Nationals ,
Foreign Subsidiaries ,
Multinationals ,
Popular ,
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
In a recent opinion that will increase the damage calculation in central New Jersey employment practice liability matters, Judge Stanley Chesler of the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey concluded...more