Increasing demand for transparency and tax rules focused on the ownership of foreign financial accounts and interests in foreign trusts and entities affect private wealth planning. There are steps you can take to comply with...more
/ Data Privacy ,
Disclosure Requirements ,
Financial Crimes ,
FinCEN ,
Foreign Bank Accounts ,
Foreign Entities ,
Foreign Financial Accounts ,
Limited Liability Company (LLC) ,
Partnerships ,
Reinstatement ,
Reporting Requirements ,
Revocable Trusts ,
Transparency ,
Trusts ,
U.S. Treasury ,
Wealth Management
It has often been said that the only things in life that are certain are death and taxes. Until two weeks ago, the “taxes” part of that phrase was not so certain. However, on January 2, 2013 President Obama signed the...more
This past Friday, December 16th, Governor Quinn signed the tax-break package aimed at keeping Sears, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and other financial exchanges based in Illinois....more
Earlier this year, Governor Pat Quinn signed the Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act (the “Civil Union Act”). ...more
Last month President Obama signed the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Jobs Creation Act of 2010. ...more