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How COBRA Got Her Groove Back: Old Law Gets New Focus From DOL, Class Action Plaintiffs’ Attorneys

Synopsis: After falling out of favor post-Affordable Care Act, when Health Insurance Marketplace coverage became a far more attractive post-termination health coverage alternative, everyone is once again talking about COBRA...more

Sixth Circuit Follows Ordinary Principles Of Contract Law To Find Whirlpool Is Not Obligated To Provide Lifetime Retiree...

Seyfarth Synopsis: Over the last several years, the law governing disputes on lifetime retiree health benefits in the Sixth Circuit has had many twists and turns....more

The Supreme Court Says Goodbye to the Yard-Man Inference Again and Reaffirms Ordinary Principles of Contract Law Apply When...

Seyfarth Synopsis: Disputes over lifetime retiree health benefits for union retirees may become a memory of the past. For the second time in three years, the Supreme Court confirms that collective bargaining agreements must...more

Paying Employees to Opt Out of Insurance? BEWARE

Seyfarth Synopsis: That “win-win” in contract negotiation wherein employees are paid to opt out of employer insurance has become much more complicated thanks to the IRS. Basically, if bargaining parties do not follow new IRS...more

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