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Illinois swipe fee injunction extended to cover out-of-state banks, but not federal credit unions

Chief Judge Virginia Kendall of the Northern District of Illinois has extended her preliminary injunction prohibiting Illinois from enforcing the Illinois Interchange Fee Prohibition Act (the “IFPA”) to cover out-of-state...more

Court grants partial injunction for National Banks and Federal Savings Associations in the lawsuit challenging the Illinois...

In a 37 page order, Chief Judge Virginia M. Kendall in the Northern District of Illinois determined that the Illinois Bankers Association, American Bankers Association, America’s Credit Unions, and Illinois Credit Union...more

Bank associations seek a preliminary injunction to block CFPB overdraft rule

Mississippi Bankers Association, the American Bankers Association, the Consumer Bankers Association, America’s Credit Unions, and three banks are seeking a preliminary injunction blocking the CFPB from implementing the...more

Plaintiffs oppose Colorado’s motion for a stay of the preliminary injunction in the Colorado opt-out litigation

Very soon, briefing by the parties in the 10th Circuit will commence with respect to Colorado’s appeal of a preliminary injunction entered by the Federal District Court for the District of Colorado. The District Court...more

Tenth Circuit sets briefing schedule in appeal from preliminary injunction granted to trade groups with respect to Colorado...

We are following very closely this appeal to the 10th Circuit of the preliminary injunction issued by the Federal District Court for the District of Colorado to the plaintiffs (three trade groups) enjoining the Colorado...more

Colorado seeks stays of District Court proceedings and preliminary injunction

We previously reported that, on July 18, the Colorado Attorney General and UCCC Administrator appealed to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals challenging Judge Domenico’s order dated June 18 D. (Colo.) granting a preliminary...more

Colorado UCCC Administrator issues interpretive opinion letter regarding Colorado opt-out law

On April 22, 2024 (almost 2 months before Judge Daniel Domenico issued a preliminary injunction against the UCCC Administrator and Colorado Attorney General), Administrator Martha Fulford issued an Interpretive Opinion Letter...more

Colorado federal court issues preliminary injunction prohibiting Colorado from enforcing DIDMCA opt-out to loans made to Colorado...

The Colorado federal district court hearing NAIB, et al v. Weiser, et al., the lawsuit filed by three consumer financial services industry trade groups challenging Colorado’s opt-out legislation, has granted the plaintiffs’...more

Fifth Circuit (again) rejects transfer of credit card late fee case to D.C.

On June 19, 2024, the Fifth Circuit dissolved the district court’s order transferring the case challenging the CFPB’s credit card late fee rule. In granting the writ of mandamus filed by the plaintiff trade associations...more

Preliminary Injunction Hearing in Federal Court on Colorado DIDMCA Opt-Out Challenge

On May 16, the U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado held a hearing in NAIB, et al v. Weiser, et al. on a motion filed by three financial services industry trade groups to preliminarily enjoin Colorado from...more

Texas federal district court enters preliminary injunction staying CFPB final credit card late fee rule

Last Friday, May 10, the Texas federal district court hearing the lawsuit challenging the CFPB’s final credit card late fee rule (Rule) granted the plaintiffs’ preliminary injunction motion and stayed the Rule. The Rule was...more

Plaintiffs file reply in support of motion for preliminary injunction in Colorado rate exportation litigation

The industry group plaintiffs in NAIB et al. v. Weiser et al., the lawsuit challenging Colorado’s opt-out legislation, have filed their reply to the brief filed by the Colorado Attorney General and Colorado Uniform Consumer...more

Fifth Circuit denies CFPB petition for panel rehearing in lawsuit challenging CFPB credit card late fee final rule

In the lawsuit challenging the CFPB’s final credit card late fee rule (Rule), the Fifth Circuit has denied the CFPB’s petition for a panel rehearing to reconsider the panel’s order vacating the district court’s order...more

Further developments in Colorado rate exportation litigation: Colorado AG files opposition brief and FDIC tries to “opt out” of...

As expected, the Colorado Attorney General and Colorado Uniform Consumer Credit Code Administrator filed their responsive brief in opposition to the plaintiffs’ motion for preliminary injunction filed earlier this month in...more

CFPB seeks rehearing by Fifth Circuit panel of decision vacating transfer order; Fifth Circuit expedites briefing on preliminary...

Last week ended with several new developments in the lawsuit challenging the CFPB’s final credit card late fee rule (Rule), both of which appear to reduce the likelihood that the Rule will be stayed before its May 14...more

Committee on judicial codes of conduct concludes recusal of Fifth Circuit judge not required in lawsuit challenging final CFPB...

The Committee on Codes of Conduct of the Judicial Conference of the United States (Committee) has unanimously concluded that Fifth Circuit Judge Willett is not required to recuse in the trade group plaintiffs’ appeal in their...more

Oh, won’t you stay (enforcement): Plaintiffs seek preliminary injunction in Colorado interest rate preemption opt-out challenge

Colorado’s attempt to opt out of interest rate exportation by out-of-state, state-chartered banks ultimately will fail, and will cause irreparable harm in the interim: therefore, enforcement of the opt out should be...more

Fifth Circuit vacates district court order transferring to D.D.C. lawsuit challenging CFPB final credit card late fee rule

Last Friday, a divided panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit vacated the district court’s order transferring the case challenging the CFPB’s final credit card late fee rule (Rule) to the U.S. District Court...more

Fifth Circuit extends stay of district court order transferring to D.C. lawsuit challenging CFPB final credit card late fee rule;...

The U.S. Court of Appeals has extended until 5 p.m. CT today its administrative stay of the district court’s order transferring the case to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. This is the Fifth Circuit’s...more

Texas federal court sets April 2 hearing on plaintiffs’ preliminary injunction motion in lawsuit challenging CFPB final credit...

The Texas federal district court hearing the lawsuit challenging the CFPB’s final credit card late fee rule (Rule) issued an order today setting April 2 as the date for a hearing on the plaintiffs’ motion for a preliminary...more

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