Welcome to “CEQA News You Can Use,” a quarterly production of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP’s Natural Resources lawyers. This publication provides quick, useful bites of CEQA news, which we hope can be a resource to...more
Welcome to “CEQA News You Can Use,” a quarterly production of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP’s Natural Resources lawyers. This publication provides quick, useful bites of CEQA news, which we hope can be a resource to...more
Welcome to “CEQA News You Can Use,” a quarterly production of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP’s Natural Resources lawyers. This publication provides quick, useful bites of CEQA news, which we hope can be a resource to...more
Several modest amendments to CEQA took effect on Jan. 1, 2024. Our CEQA News You Can Use team summarized a few of changes to keep in mind in the new year....more
Welcome to “CEQA News You Can Use,” a quarterly production of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP’s Natural Resources lawyers. This publication provides quick, useful bites of CEQA news, which we hope can be a resource to...more
Welcome to “CEQA News You Can Use,” a quarterly production of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP’s Natural Resources lawyers. This publication provides quick, useful bites of CEQA news, which we hope can be a resource to...more
Noisy college students, the new CEQA impact? Would you be surprised to learn that college students can throw noisy parties? Uh, no, but it may be a surprise that they constitute a potentially significant environmental impact...more
Welcome to “CEQA News You Can Use,” a quarterly production of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck's Natural Resources lawyers. This publication provides quick, useful bites of CEQA news, which we hope can be a resource to your...more
Welcome to CEQA News You Can Use, a quarterly production of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP’s Natural Resources lawyers. This publication provides quick, useful bites of CEQA news, which we hope can be a resource to your...more
/ California ,
CEQA Reform ,
Comment Period ,
Energy Policy ,
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) ,
Environmental Policies ,
Mixed-Use Zoning ,
Office of Planning & Research (OPR) ,
Proposed Amendments ,
Regulatory Standards ,
Water Supplies
Welcome to CEQA News You Can Use, a quarterly production of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP’s Natural Resources lawyers. This publication provides quick, useful bites of CEQA news, which we hope can be a resource to your...more
Welcome to CEQA News You Can Use, a quarterly production of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP’s Natural Resources lawyers. This publication provides quick, useful bites of CEQA news, which we hope can be a resource to your...more
Welcome to CEQA News You Can Use, a quarterly production of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP’s Natural Resources lawyers. This publication provides quick, useful bites of CEQA news, which we hope can be a resource to your...more
Welcome to CEQA News You Can Use, a quarterly production of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP’s Natural Resources lawyers. This publication provides quick, useful bites of CEQA news, which we hope can be a resource to your...more
Welcome to CEQA News You Can Use, a quarterly production of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP’s Natural Resources lawyers. This publication provides quick, useful bites of CEQA news, which we hope can be a resource to your...more
As the coronavirus pandemic continues, Gov. Newsom issued an executive order to address challenges faced by lead agencies, responsible agencies, and project applicants in adhering to certain public filing and notice...more
Welcome to CEQA News You Can Use, a quarterly production of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP’s Natural Resources lawyers. This publication provides quick, useful bites of CEQA news, which we hope can be a resource to your...more
Welcome to CEQA News You Can Use, a quarterly production of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP’s Natural Resources lawyers. This publication provides quick, useful bites of CEQA news, which we hope can be a resource to your...more
/ CEQA ,
Construction Project ,
Department of Water Resources ,
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) ,
Federal Power Act ,
Historic Preservation ,
Hotels ,
Land-Use Permits ,
Mixed-Use Zoning ,
Natural Resources ,
Preemption ,
Welcome to CEQA News You Can Use, a quarterly production of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP’s Natural Resources lawyers. This publication provides quick, useful bites of CEQA news, which we hope can be a resource to your...more
/ CEQA ,
Coastal Real Estate ,
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) ,
Environmental Policies ,
Land Developers ,
Land-Use Permits ,
Legislative Agendas ,
Natural Resources ,
Permits ,
Pipelines ,
Proposed Legislation ,
Statute of Limitations ,
Urban Planning & Development ,
Zoning Laws
Welcome to CEQA News You Can Use, a quarterly production of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP’s Natural Resources lawyers. This publication provides quick, useful bites of CEQA news, which we hope can be a resource to your...more
On Sept. 14, 2018, the San Diego County Superior Court issued a stay/preliminary injunction preventing any San Diego County (“County”) project requiring an amendment to the County’s General Plan from relying on greenhouse gas...more
Welcome to CEQA News You Can Use, a quarterly publication of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP’s Natural Resources lawyers. This publication is intended to provide quick, useful bites of CEQA news that we hope can be a...more
Welcome to CEQA News You Can Use, a quarterly publication of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck Natural Resources lawyers. This publication is intended to provide quick, useful bites of CEQA news that we hope can be a resource...more
/ Building Permits ,
CA Supreme Court ,
California Coastal Commission ,
Climate Change ,
Coastal Real Estate ,
Critical Habitat ,
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) ,
Greenhouse Gas Emissions ,
Pending Legislation ,
Regulatory Standards ,
Rising Sea Levels ,
San Diego Assoc of Governments (SANDAG)
In quick succession, the Southern California cities of Inglewood and Carson have used the initiative process to approve new NFL football stadiums in bids to lure teams to new homes, bypassing review under the California...more