Latest Posts › EU


Navigating the nuances of investing in European residential real estate

In the global real estate industry, there has been little escape from tales of economic woe recently. But there are still many with money to spend, and given the uncertainty around office, retail and leisure following the...more

COVID-19: Crisis-related exclusion of termination right on landlords takes effect

On April 1, 2020, an exemption from the landlord's termination right comes into force, which protects tenants against the loss of their apartment or commercial space in the event of late payment of the rent. However, this...more

Default of rent payment due to the COVID 19 pandemic – Tenant easement at risk?

Tenants who cannot longer pay their rent due to the effects of the COVID 19 pandemic do not have to fear a termination of the lease agreement by their landlord due to late payment as per § 543 (2) clause 1 No. 3 of the German...more

§ 313 BGB and governmental Corona measures - “Course Correction” for commercial leases

With our blog post of December 14, 2020, we had already pointed out the corresponding legislative initiative. In record time, two new provisions on commercial leases (excluding residential leases) were subsequently adopted on...more

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