March is a good month to take stock of gender equality (or inequality) in the corporate world. While this is in part due to International Women's Day, in France, March also means the publishing of corporate gender equality...more
Some measures of the French Act No. 2021-1774 of December 24, 2021—which is aimed at accelerating economic and professional equality—will take effect on September 1. The act creates an obligation of balanced representation...more
France’s decree no. 2021-265 of March 10, 2021, has modified the publication modalities of the gender equality index and has imposed specific obligations on French companies benefiting from the stimulus plan introduced by the...more
/ Coronavirus/COVID-19 ,
Employer Liability Issues ,
Equal Pay ,
EU ,
Financial Stimulus ,
France ,
Gender Discrimination ,
Gender Equity ,
Gender-Based Pay Discrimination ,
Infectious Diseases ,
International Labor Laws ,
Pay Gap ,
Wage and Hour
A decree issued on 29 April by the French Minister of Labour completes the legislative and regulatory framework for gender equality in the workplace in France....more
The decree, published on 9 January, was issued under the act, “For the Freedom to Choose One’s Professional Future” of 5 September 2018, and introduces measures to eliminate the pay gap between women and men in France....more
The latest effort by the French government to promote gender equality in the workplace introduces a number of proposals including a payroll software to identify wage inequality, transparency obligations imposed on companies...more