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Do Your Workplace Romance Policies Need an Update? 4 Points for Employers to Consider this Valentine’s Day

Love is in the air on Valentine’s Day – and according to recent research, it has likely found its way to your workplace. Even with the rise of remote work, office romances are commonplace, which illustrates the importance of...more

From Cannabis to Minimum Wage and Beyond: A Recap of Workplace Law Issues on State Ballots this Election Day

Voters will be deciding more than just who will capture the White House and Congress this Election Day – they’ll also be voting on a slew of state ballot measures that could change your workplace. How can you prepare? Read...more

What’s Your “End Game” for 2024: Some Taylor Swift-Inspired New Year’s Resolutions for Employers

While we respect Taylor Swift’s accomplishments for so many reasons, your #FPSwifties particularly admire Ms. Swift as an employer. From employee appreciation (those legendary tour bonuses sound really nice!) to her...more

Shhhh: 3 Secrets Employers Can Take to Combat “Quiet Quitting”

The kids call it “quiet quitting” – but ironically it’s become a very loud social media movement among Gen Z, Millennials, and more. The term itself – which many who support the movement adamantly disagree with as a label –...more

The 10 Most Common Employer Questions After the CDC Loosens its COVID-19 Guidance

The nation’s federal health authorities marked the next chapter of the pandemic yesterday by significantly loosening many COVID-19 recommendations – including dropping the “six-foot” social distancing rule – thereby...more

Transportation Mask Mandate Struck Down: What it Means for Employers

After the news yesterday that a federal court judge struck down the CDC’s mask mandate for airplanes, mass transportation, and transit hubs, many employers immediately wondered what it might mean for their business. Though...more

Top 7 Takeaways from EEOC’s COVID-19 and Vaccine Webinar for Employers

Employers need to be especially on guard for the possibility that they may be hit with a vaccine-related EEOC charge, given than nearly half of all pandemic-related charges filed with the agency since December involve a...more

Comprehensive FAQs for Employers on the OSHA Vaccine Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS)

Federal workplace safety officials just released the mandate-or-test workplace vaccine emergency rule, and employers are sure to have questions. The Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) developed by the Occupational Safety and...more

An Employer’s Guide to Navigating Third-Party Vaccine Mandates on Visitors, Vendors, and More

As employers implement their own internal COVID-19 protocols and procedures, many have the additional burden of complying with third-party vaccine policies or enforcing their own vaccine policies upon non-employees such as...more

2 New Missouri Laws Require Employer Action on Pandemic Liability and Employee Leave

Missouri employers should take note that two bills recently signed into law by Governor Mike Parson that impose new employee leave obligations but also provide a liability shield for employers when it comes to pandemic...more

An Employer’s 3-Step Guide to Responding to COVID-19 Vaccine Religious Objections

As the Delta variant surges throughout the country, more and more employers are implementing mandatory vaccine policies, especially now that the Pfizer vaccine has received full FDA approval. Most employers know they may need...more

Can You Ask Applicants About Their Vaccine Status? 3 Options for Employers

As more businesses are requiring proof of vaccination for their employees and customers, a question that often arises is whether it is lawful to ask an applicant about their vaccine status. While we are generally hesitant...more

What Employers Need to Know About the Emergency Use Status of the COVID-19 Vaccines

Although the COVID-19 vaccines are expected to receive full FDA approval – perhaps as soon as later this month – an increasing number of businesses are not waiting for full authorization and are pressing forward to require...more

What Employers Can Learn From The First FFCRA Interference And Retaliation Lawsuits

Just a little more than six weeks ago, both political and business leaders in our country were looking for options to help employers and employees deal with the dramatic impact the COVID-19 pandemic was having and would have...more

Can You Take Me High Enough? OSHA Increases Maximum Penalties

The Department of Labor just published its increases to the maximum civil penalties that can be assessed against employers by federal agencies, and it includes some moderate increases in the area of workplace safety....more

Missouri Voters Pass Minimum Wage Increase

As predicted, Missouri voters turned out in record numbers for the 2018 general election yesterday and overwhelmingly voted to pass Proposition B: The $12 Minimum Wage Initiative. As a result, beginning January 1, 2019, the...more

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