Seyfarth Synopsis: On October 15, 2018, amendments to the New York City Human Rights Law which require employers to engage in a “cooperative dialogue” with individuals with disabilities and others regarding their...more
/ Anti-Discrimination Policies ,
Cooperative Dialogue ,
Disability ,
Disability Discrimination ,
Employer Liability Issues ,
Human Rights Code ,
Local Ordinance ,
New Amendments ,
Reasonable Accommodation ,
State and Local Government
Seyfarth Synopsis: “Thank you for your email, I will be out of the office from….” New York City employers might soon be seeing a lot more of these “out-of-office” emails from their employees if a recently proposed “Right to...more
Seyfarth Synopsis: On January 19, 2018, the New York City passed a law requiring that businesses engage in “cooperative dialogue” with individuals with disabilities and in other protected categories in the context of...more
Seyfarth Synopsis: There have been two big updates on the prior salary front. First, Delaware joins the growing number of states and local jurisdictions with its enactment of a law preventing employers from requesting salary...more