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New Year, New Fee Schedule for Trademarks at the USPTO - Big Changes to Application Fees

Our colleagues previously reported on the United States Patent and Trademark Office’s (USPTO) patent fee schedule for 2025, and we now take this opportunity to provide you with our insights on the USPTO trademark fee schedule...more

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane - It’s in the Public Domain! USPTO Cancels Marvel and DC Comics’ Trademarks for SUPER HERO and SUPER...

The U.S. Patent and Trademark office has done what Thanos and Lex Luthor never could—defeat the larger than life combined forces of Marvel and DC. Despite being well-known rivals, DC (Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and...more

Trademark Insights: What the First Precedential TTAB Expungement Decision Means for You

As a trademark applicant, encountering a prior registration that obstructs your path to registration is never a pleasant experience (nor for your attorneys who have to inform you about it). The frustration only intensifies...more

Don’t take the Bait - Avoiding Trademark Scams

In a world where trademark owners craft their brand narratives with creativity and innovation a dark undercurrent emerges – a rising tide of scams driven by the same ingenuity and resourcefulness....more

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