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Cross-Border Considerations for Protecting Privileged Evidence

On 6 June 2024, Sascha Grimm from our London office, Teresa Michaud from our Los Angeles office and Jonas Koponen from our Brussels office hosted a webinar on Cross-Border Considerations for Protecting Privileged Evidence....more

Trials and Tribulations: Minimising the Risk of Disputes Arising from Clinical Trial Agreements

The Clinical Trials Regulation (‘CTR’), which came into force last year, has modified (and in some cases increased) responsibilities for sponsors, streamlined reporting processes and improved protection for clinical trial...more

Time to terminate? How to mitigate risk

The coronavirus pandemic and global economic and political uncertainties mean that more businesses than ever are tied into unprofitable contracts or are required to purchase unwanted goods and services. Alternatively, they...more

US-UK Data Access Agreement: Top Five Things to Know

In May 2020, we published a blog post about the US-UK Data Access Agreement, a first-of-its-kind reciprocal agreement between the US and the UK. Under the agreement, law enforcement agencies in either country could obtain...more

So… A crisis has arisen? Don’t Panic!

A crisis can take many different forms. Depending upon the nature of the business in question, a crisis can mean a crippling cyber-attack, material fraudulent activity coming to light, a whistleblower raising serious...more

Blog: UK law enforcement powers stretch even further overseas – with worrying implications

A recent piece of unheralded legislation, the Crime (Overseas Production Orders) Act 2019 (COPOA), has provided UK law enforcement with significantly extended powers to compel the production of electronic data stored...more

Blog: High Court Supports SFO Bid To Obtain Documents Claimed As Privileged

In a landmark ruling on 8 May 2017, the High Court ordered that the Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation (“ENRC”) should hand over to the SFO documents prepared during an internal investigation, despite the fact that the...more

Blog: The 4th Anti-Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing Directive

The 4th Anti-Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing Directive (4AMLD) came into force on 25 June 2015; and the Member States of the European Union are (currently) obliged to transpose it into their national laws by 26 June...more

Blog: The Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act

One of the last acts of parliament was to pass the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act (“the Act”), which received Royal Assent on 26 March 2015....more

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