On January 20, 2025, President Trump re-assumed the presidency with a flurry of executive orders and memoranda, many of which directly impacted energy and environmental issues. These orders included a production-minded...more
/ Administrative Procedure Act ,
Defense Production Act ,
Energy Policy ,
Energy Sector ,
Environmental Policies ,
Executive Orders ,
Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) ,
Federal Power Act ,
Government Efficiency ,
Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) ,
Oil & Gas ,
Permits ,
Regulatory Reform ,
Reporting Requirements ,
Wind Power
The 2016 election results have significant implications for companies across a wide range of industry sectors. From environmental policy to financial services to tax reform, President-elect Trump has committed to sweeping...more
/ Anti-Dumping Duty ,
Barack Obama ,
Budget Reconciliation ,
Clean Energy ,
Clean Power Plan ,
Climate Action Plan ,
Climate Change ,
Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) ,
Corporate Taxes ,
Countervailing Duties ,
Department of Energy (DOE) ,
Dodd-Frank ,
Energy Policy ,
Energy Sector ,
Environmental Policies ,
Farms ,
Federal Budget ,
Federal Reserve ,
Financial Services Industry ,
Fracking ,
Greenhouse Gas Emissions ,
International Tax Issues ,
Investment Tax Credits ,
Keystone XL Pipeline ,
Methane ,
Oil & Gas ,
Paris Agreement ,
Pipelines ,
Presidential Elections ,
Production Tax Credit ,
Renewable Energy ,
Repatriation ,
Repeal ,
Shale Gas ,
Tax Reform ,
Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act ,
Trans-Pacific Partnership ,
Transportation Industry ,
Trump Administration
The 2014 Midterm Elections have taken place and Republicans performed extremely well in all categories – winning key gubernatorial and congressional races – in what many are viewing as a "wave election."
In the...more