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So What is a Trust, Really? Newell v. Superior Court and the Worst Party Game Ever

Hey everybody – it’s January! How was your New Year’s Eve? How did you celebrate? Did you go to a party? Did you host a party? Were there games at your party? What kind of games? Charades? Jenga?  Maybe you went crazy and...more

No Such Thing as a Free Ride: Section 859 Awards Can Now Go To Whoever Does the Work

Newcomers to probate litigation are frequently surprised by how differently things work in probate court, as opposed to your more straightforward civil courts. (And how do those newcomers know how civil courts work?  Law &...more

The Roadrunner Always Wins: Hamilton v. Green and the Limits of Creativity

As a child, your parents, teachers, and/or some other adult influence probably sat you down and recounted Aesop’s classic fable, The Tortoise and the Hare. “Slow and steady wins the race,” they told you. The slow, methodical,...more

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