Latest Posts › Federal Trade Commission (FTC)


CFPB Rule Would Affect Data Brokers and More

Over the past several years, data brokers have been subject to increased scrutiny from regulatory and enforcement agencies at both federal and state levels. On Dec. 3, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau took a...more

U.S. Bans Sale of Americans’ Sensitive Data to Foreign Adversaries: 5 Things to Know

President Biden recently signed into law the Protecting Americans’ Data from Foreign Adversaries Act as a part of H.R. 815, an emergency appropriations bill that primarily provides assistance to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan....more

RegFi Episode 30: A Closer Look at the American Privacy Rights Act

If passed, the proposed American Privacy Rights Act would dramatically transform data privacy compliance obligations for companies operating in the United States. Shannon Yavorsky — head of Orrick’s global Cyber, Privacy &...more

Managing AI Risk: 3 Laws Companies Using Consumer Data for AI Development Need to Know

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming financial services, from underwriting and trading securities to customizing financial products and services. These innovative modeling techniques may enhance the accuracy of models...more

6 Top Takeaways from the FTC’s $520 Million Landmark Epic Games Settlements

On December 19, 2022, the FTC announced two record-breaking settlements with Epic Games, Inc.—a video game developer, best known for the game Fortnite—for a combined total of $520 million: The key takeaways from these...more

Revised ADPPA: The Top 10 Takeaways

The U.S. Legislature has proposed the first bipartisan comprehensive consumer data protection law, the American Data Privacy and Protection Act (ADPPA). If enacted, the United States would join over 100 countries and several...more

Top 5 Real Estate Privacy Risks in 2022: What Landlords, Developers and Property Management Companies Need to Know in the United...

From building keycard records to detailed financial information, landlords, developers and property management companies have access to huge amounts of data, and U.S. regulators are starting to take note. A growing number of...more

10 Steps to Future-Proof Your Artificial Intelligence Regulatory Strategy

Artificial Intelligence (AI) regulation is coming, and companies considering implementing AI or already utilizing AI should be prepared. Below are 10 steps that companies can take now to harness the benefits of AI in a fair...more

FTC Chairwoman Slaughter Sets Sights on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Oversight

In her first major remarks as Acting Chairwoman of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Rebecca Kelly Slaughter outlined her enforcement priorities under the new administration in a conversation with the Future of Privacy...more

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