The staff of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Bureau of Competition issued a statement on June 15, 2023, sternly criticizing the use of confidentiality and nondisclosure agreements that “impede” the FTC’s ability to conduct...more
/ Antitrust Division ,
Antitrust Investigations ,
Antitrust Litigation ,
Competition ,
Competition Authorities ,
Department of Justice (DOJ) ,
Employees ,
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ,
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ,
Interviews ,
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
When the DOJ is deciding whether to charge a company with a criminal antitrust violation, or agreeing to a deferred prosecution agreement (DPA), the effectiveness of a company’s antitrust compliance program is only one...more
/ Antitrust Division ,
Antitrust Investigations ,
Antitrust Violations ,
Code of Conduct ,
Competition ,
Compliance ,
Criminal Antitrust Litigation ,
Deferred Prosecution Agreements ,
Department of Justice (DOJ) ,
Leniency Guidelines ,
In a precedent-setting opinion, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in Aerotec International, Inc. v. Honeywell International, Inc., No. 14-15562, 2016 WL 4709868 (9th Cir. Sept. 9, 2016), affirmed the summary...more
/ Aircraft ,
Aircraft Equipment ,
Anti-Monopoly ,
Antitrust Investigations ,
Antitrust Litigation ,
Antitrust Violations ,
Appeals ,
Aviation Industry ,
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ,
Honeywell International ,
Manufacturers ,
Price Discrimination ,
Robinson-Patman Act ,
Sherman Act
The American Bar Association held its 64th annual Antitrust Law Spring Meeting April 5–8, 2016, in Washington, D.C. Over 3,000 practitioners, enforcers, economists and academics from around the world came together to discuss...more
/ Antitrust Division ,
Antitrust Investigations ,
Corporate Crimes ,
Criminal Investigations ,
E-Commerce ,
Enforcement Actions ,
Hart-Scott-Rodino Act ,
Hub-and-Spoke Conspiracy ,
Individual Accountability ,
Threshold Requirements
The Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice is vigorously pursuing civil and criminal actions against individuals—and not simply the companies they run.
Just last month, Assistant Attorney General Bill Baer...more
Qualcomm sells chipsets and licenses its related standard-essential patents for use in 3G- and 4G-enabled smartphones and tablets. In late 2013, China’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) began investigating...more