Antitrust compliance programs that are tailored to a company’s culture, line of business, and competitive conditions have long been worth their weight in gold. But as 2022 draws to a close, a looming economic slowdown and an...more
/ Antitrust Violations ,
Appeals ,
Class Action ,
Collusion ,
Compliance ,
Department of Justice (DOJ) ,
Enforcement ,
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ,
Price-Fixing ,
Settlement ,
Sherman Act ,
The Clayton Act ,
Continuing its prolific run of indictments, guilty pleas, and convictions, on July 13, 2022, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Procurement Collusion Strike Force (PCSF or Strike Force) secured a guilty plea from a Texas...more
/ Antitrust Division ,
Antitrust Violations ,
Bid Rigging ,
Convictions ,
Department of Justice (DOJ) ,
Enforcement Actions ,
Federal Contractors ,
Fraudulent Procurement ,
Procurement Collusion Strike Force ,
Sherman Act ,
White Collar Crimes
A federal judge in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois has held that an antitrust challenge to a “hiring restriction [that] prevented” plaintiff employees “from taking a better-paying position with a...more
/ Antitrust Division ,
Antitrust Provisions ,
Antitrust Violations ,
Corporate Counsel ,
Department of Justice (DOJ) ,
Employees ,
Employer Liability Issues ,
Enforcement Actions ,
Fast-Food Industry ,
Franchise Agreements ,
Franchises ,
Hiring & Firing ,
When the DOJ is deciding whether to charge a company with a criminal antitrust violation, or agreeing to a deferred prosecution agreement (DPA), the effectiveness of a company’s antitrust compliance program is only one...more
/ Antitrust Division ,
Antitrust Investigations ,
Antitrust Violations ,
Code of Conduct ,
Competition ,
Compliance ,
Criminal Antitrust Litigation ,
Deferred Prosecution Agreements ,
Department of Justice (DOJ) ,
Leniency Guidelines ,
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced a new policy on July 11, 2019, designed to incentivize the development and implementation of corporate antitrust compliance programs.
In remarks made at the New York...more
In a 9-0 opinion delivered by Justice Ruth Ginsburg, the United States Supreme Court last week ruled that the federal courts are not “bound to accord conclusive effect” to a foreign government’s statement of its own law under...more
/ Animal Science Products Inc v Hebei Welcome Pharmaceutical Co Ltd ,
Antitrust Violations ,
Application of Foreign Laws ,
China ,
Comity ,
Exports ,
FRCP Rule 44.1 ,
Judicial Deference ,
Popular ,
Price-Fixing ,
Question of Law ,
Reversal ,
Sherman Act
The American Bar Association’s 65th Antitrust Law Spring Meeting held at the end of March included a number of sessions with representatives from federal and state antitrust enforcement agencies. In this first of a three-part...more
/ Administrative Appointments ,
American Bar Association (ABA) ,
Antitrust Division ,
Antitrust Violations ,
Attorney General ,
Civil Monetary Penalty ,
Competition ,
Criminal Antitrust Litigation ,
Department of Justice (DOJ) ,
Disgorgement ,
Enforcement Actions ,
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ,
Hart-Scott-Rodino Act ,
Intellectual Property Protection ,
Legislative Agendas ,
Merger Challenges ,
Merger Controls ,
Mergers ,
Mexico ,
State and Local Government ,
The Clayton Act ,
Trump Administration ,
U.S. Attorney
The Federal Trade Commission filed suit last week in federal court against Qualcomm, Inc., following its investigation launched in September 2014. The FTC alleges that the semiconductor manufacturer illegally maintained a...more
/ Antitrust Violations ,
Apple ,
Cell Phones ,
Corporate Counsel ,
Declaratory Relief ,
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ,
FTC Act ,
Licensing Rights ,
Mobile Devices ,
Patents ,
Popular ,
Putative Class Actions ,
Qualcomm ,
Retail Market ,
Royalties ,
Section 5 ,
Smartphones ,
Standard Essential Patents ,
Technology ,
Technology Sector ,
Unfair Competition ,
Wireless Devices ,
Wireless Technology
In a precedent-setting opinion, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in Aerotec International, Inc. v. Honeywell International, Inc., No. 14-15562, 2016 WL 4709868 (9th Cir. Sept. 9, 2016), affirmed the summary...more
/ Aircraft ,
Aircraft Equipment ,
Anti-Monopoly ,
Antitrust Investigations ,
Antitrust Litigation ,
Antitrust Violations ,
Appeals ,
Aviation Industry ,
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ,
Honeywell International ,
Manufacturers ,
Price Discrimination ,
Robinson-Patman Act ,
Sherman Act