In August 2023, the Federal Circuit in In re Cellect held that in evaluating unpatentability for obviousness-type double patenting (ODP) of a patent that has received patent term adjustment (PTA), the relevant date is the...more
/ Intellectual Property Protection ,
Obviousness ,
Obviousness-Type Double Patenting (ODP) ,
Patent Infringement ,
Patent Litigation ,
Patent Term Adjustment ,
Patent Terms ,
Patents ,
Pharmaceutical Industry ,
Pharmaceutical Patents ,
In this episode, we discuss how your intellectual property can be leveraged to maximize the profitability of nonconsumable devices and their complementary consumable products.
While profits can be made via the initial sale...more
In this episode, our experts discuss intellectual property considerations for products before and after entering the market. Understanding the patent and trademark landscape before fully developing and launching a new product...more