Latest Publications


NLRB Alleges that Reality TV Contestants Are “Employees” Subject to Labor Laws

Earlier this month, the General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued a consolidated complaint charging the producers of the popular Netflix show “Love is Blind” with unfair labor practices for their...more

First Circuit Says Massachusetts Non-Compete Agreement Enforceable in California Despite State’s Ban

Last month, in DraftKings Inc. v. Hermalyn, the First Circuit Court of Appeals issued a decision concerning the application of California’s non-compete ban to agreements formed outside the state. Broadly, the decision...more

What New York Employers Need to Know About Pay Frequency Requirements for Hourly and Manual Workers

New York employers who pay their non-exempt, hourly employees on a bi-weekly or semi-monthly basis may need to think again based on recent court decisions interpreting the definition of “manual worker” under the New York...more

EEOC Issues Proposed Regulations Implementing the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act

Last week, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) issued proposed regulations implementing the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (“PWFA” or the “Act”). The public has until October 10 to comment on the EEOC’s...more

NLRB Gives Workers and Unions an Early Holiday Gift with Four Significant Pro-Employee Decisions

Last week was a busy one for the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). The agency came out with four significant decisions that either expanded or protected employee rights on issues such as monetary remedies, the right to...more

New York Strengthens Retaliation Protections for Workers Taking Lawful Absences

The New York Labor Law has been amended to clarify that workers may not be punished or disciplined for taking legally protected absences. Under Section 215 of the Labor Law, employers are prohibited from retaliating against...more

New Jersey Issues Guidance on Evaluating Cannabis Impairment in Employees

On September 9, 2022, the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission (the “Commission”) issued guidance for employers on how to evaluate suspected cannabis impairment in the workplace. Although the guidance leaves some...more

May 7th Compliance Deadline for New York Employers to Notify Employees of Electronic Monitoring

Pursuant to an amendment to the New York Civil Rights Law that will take effect on May 7, 2022, private-sector employers that monitor their employees’ use of telephones, email, and the internet must notify employees of any...more

Maryland Enacts Legislation Requiring Paid Family and Medical Leave for All Employers

Earlier this month, Maryland joined nine other states and the District of Columbia in establishing a right to paid family and medical leave for employees in the state. Senate Bill 275, or the Time to Care Act of 2022,...more

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