Why Preconstruction has Stolen the Project Spotlight -
“Clients are asking for more communication, too, with owners requesting to meet the preconstruction and estimating and management teams before a project begins.” ...more
With the growing emphasis of the use of renewables to reduce the carbon footprint of homes and buildings and tax incentives, there has been a proliferation of solar companies to meet the ever-growing demand for solar energy....more
Bring on the Sun! Licensing and Permitting for Contractors Installing Solar Panel Systems in NC -
With the growing emphasis of the use of renewables to reduce the carbon footprint of homes and buildings and tax incentives,...more
/ Construction Industry ,
Contractors ,
Department of Labor (DOL) ,
Energy Projects ,
Energy Sector ,
Licenses ,
Manufacturers ,
North Carolina ,
Permits ,
Roads ,
Solar Panels ,
Storm Water
We are fortunate to have connected with Kevin Dick, the President & CEO, and Emily Blevins, Marketing & Communications Director, of the Carolina Small Business Development Fund, at the recent Annual Meeting of the United...more
Q&A with the Carolina Small Business Development Fund -
We are fortunate to have connected with Kevin Dick, the President & CEO, and Emily Blevins, Marketing & Communications Director, of the Carolina Small Business...more
/ Affirmative Action ,
Canada ,
Construction Contracts ,
Construction Industry ,
Contractors ,
Diversity and Inclusion Standards (D&I) ,
Employer Liability Issues ,
Employment Discrimination ,
General Assembly ,
Housing Market ,
Independent Contractors ,
Infrastructure ,
Lumber Industry ,
Pipelines ,
Small Business ,
Subcontractors ,
Unions ,
World’s Largest 3D Printed Building Erected in Florida -
“With a total floor area of more than 10,100 sq ft or about 940 m2, the structure is apparently nearly 50% larger than the previous record-holder in the Middle East,...more
/ 3-D Technology ,
3D Printing ,
Amazon ,
Artificial Intelligence ,
Commercial Buildings ,
Construction Industry ,
Construction Project ,
Employee Training ,
Employer Liability Issues ,
Energy Projects ,
Engineering ,
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) ,
Harassment ,
Managers ,
Performance Reviews ,
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) ,
Solar Energy ,
Technology Sector
US Lawmakers Call to Modernize OSHA as Hundreds Die on the Job Each Day -
“Reintroduced federal legislation pushes to expand Osha coverage in 24 states not currently covered by the act.”
Why this is important: On...more
/ Artificial Intelligence ,
Building Standards ,
Construction Industry ,
Employer Liability Issues ,
Health & Safety Standard ,
Natural Gas ,
New York ,
Regulatory Oversight ,
Regulatory Requirements ,
State Bans ,
Technology ,
Workplace Hazards ,
Workplace Injury ,
Workplace Safety
Here are the Top Risks for the Construction and Engineering Sector -
“Business interruption/supply chain disruption and natural catastrophes are the top risks for the construction and engineering industry, followed by the...more
/ Airports ,
Banking Sector ,
Building Codes ,
Building Permits ,
Business Interruption ,
Construction Industry ,
Construction Project ,
Content Publishing ,
Defamation ,
Energy Efficiency ,
Engineering ,
Fox News ,
Free Speech ,
Hiring & Firing ,
Libel ,
New Legislation ,
New Regulations ,
North Carolina ,
Pennsylvania ,
Real Estate Development ,
Roads ,
Social Media ,
Supply Chain ,
Legislation in Florida may soon change the time property owners have to file construction-related lawsuits. Both the Florida Senate, with SB 360, and the House of Representatives, with HB 85, passed identical bills and...more
The N.C. Building Code Council is required by North Carolina law to reevaluate the building code every six years. In light of climate change legislation enacted in North Carolina on the heels of Governor Cooper’s 2019 Clean...more
What Employers Can Do When a Union Knocks on Their Door -
When a union knocks on an employer's door, it can be a shock and awe experience for the unprepared employer. It is important for employers to understand their...more
/ 3D Printing ,
Amended Rules ,
Building Codes ,
Business Development ,
Citations ,
Construction Industry ,
Construction Project ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Protection ,
Data Security ,
Department of Energy (DOE) ,
Department of Transportation (DOT) ,
Employer Liability Issues ,
Enforcement Actions ,
Environmental Policies ,
Florida ,
Highways ,
Labor Regulations ,
Labor Relations ,
Legislative Agendas ,
North Carolina ,
Pennsylvania ,
Permits ,
Property Owners ,
Proposed Legislation ,
Remote Working ,
State and Local Government ,
Sustainable Projects ,
Unions ,
Workplace Safety
In 2018, second-term Governor Roy Cooper issued climate-related Executive Orders, which was followed in 2019 by the state’s clean energy plan. North Carolina made a big stride toward making a positive impact on climate change...more
EEOC Increases Scrutiny on Discrimination and Harassment in the Construction Industry as Federal Infrastructure Dollars Start Flowing -
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) plans to prioritize its efforts to...more
/ Biden Administration ,
Building Standards ,
Business Entities ,
Buy America ,
Construction Industry ,
Construction Project ,
Coronavirus/COVID-19 ,
Discrimination ,
Diversity ,
Employer Liability Issues ,
Enforcement ,
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ,
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) ,
Harassment ,
Infrastructure ,
Infrastructure Financing ,
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) ,
Joint Venture ,
Minority-Owned Businesses ,
Price Inflation ,
Proposed Rules ,
Regulatory Agenda ,
Section 8(a) ,
Small Business ,
Strategic Enforcement Plan ,
Supply Chain ,
Workplace Safety
Welcome to the 12th and final issue of the year for The Site Report.
Top Three Construction Disputes and How to Avoid Them -
Construction professionals sometimes feel as if it is déjà vu when it comes to disputes—and they...more
/ 3-D Technology ,
3D Printing ,
Collective Bargaining ,
Construction Contracts ,
Construction Disputes ,
Construction Industry ,
Construction Project ,
Contractors ,
Drones ,
Drug Testing ,
Employer Liability Issues ,
Employment Discrimination ,
Federal Contractors ,
Infrastructure ,
Inspections ,
Marijuana ,
Medical Marijuana ,
Popular ,
Subcontractors ,
Technology ,
Unions ,
Unmanned Aircraft Systems ,
Workplace Safety
The Site Report has extensively discussed the developments of 3-D printing building construction and its impact on the construction industry. 3-D printing structures is becoming more commonplace. Last month, Iowa State...more
In this edition, our team weighs in on a wide variety of issues relevant to the construction industry, ranging from OSHA’s increased focus on elevated work safety and anti-bias clauses in construction contracts to protecting...more
New and Revised AAA Rules that May Affect Your Construction Contracts -
Does your contract contain a dispute resolution section that refers to the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) rules, mediation and/or...more
Does your contract contain a dispute resolution section that refers to the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) rules, mediation and/or arbitration proceedings? If so, then you need to be aware of some changes that took...more
Biden-Harris Administration Announces New Buy Clean Actions to Ensure American Manufacturing Leads in the 21st Century -
"The Initiative ensures that federal financing and purchasing power are creating good-paying jobs,...more
JCG & Assocs., LLC v. Disaster Am. USA, LLC -
"North Carolina general contractor licensing issue highlights unique claims."
Why this is important: North Carolina has been cracking down on general contractor licensing,...more
The Pain of Inflation: Construction Companies Feel the Pinch as Prices Rise -
"A recent report from the Associated General Contractors of America states that, from April 2021 through the first quarter of 2022, the price...more
Bridges, Natural Disasters and Liability - The Skanska Decision (Part 2) -
In the last edition of The Site Report, we discussed the legal issues surrounding the damage caused by Skanska's construction barges to the new...more
/ Commercial General Liability Policies ,
Construction Contracts ,
Construction Defects ,
Construction Disputes ,
Construction Industry ,
Construction Litigation ,
Construction Project ,
Defense Strategies ,
General Contractors ,
Solar Energy ,
Subcontractors ,
Surety Bonds
Bridges, Natural Disasters and Liability - The Skanska Decision (Part 1) -
What follows is a cautionary tale for anyone involved who fails to follow a natural disaster preparedness plan. Taking short cuts and failing to...more
/ 3D Printing ,
Bridges ,
Climate Change ,
Construction Industry ,
Infrastructure ,
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) ,
Natural Disasters ,
Public Projects ,
Severe Weather ,
Sustainability ,
Transportation Industry
Lessons in Arbitration Construction Dispute -
In December 2021, Alex Turner, Jeff Patton, and Lee Denton in Spilman's Winston-Salem office arbitrated a construction dispute in Norfolk, Virginia on behalf of Sure Lift,...more
Change in “Pay When Paid” Provisions for VA Public Contracts
"An Act to amend and reenact §§ 2.2-4354 and 11-4.6 of the Code of Virginia, relating to contracts; payment clauses to be included; right to payment of...more
/ Carbon Emissions ,
Climate Change ,
Construction Contracts ,
Construction Industry ,
Construction Project ,
Coronavirus/COVID-19 ,
Department of Transportation (DOT) ,
Governor Wolf ,
Infrastructure ,
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) ,
State Contractors ,
Subcontractors ,
Supply Chain