On March 12, 2025, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) announced it was ending four Biden administration payment models early. No reason was provided other than the changes were to “align its statutory...more
On March 10, 2025, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed a rule that in many respects reverts to pre-Biden administration rules and definitions for health care marketplaces across the country. The...more
This is part two of a series of executive orders related to health care.
Abortion and Reproductive Healthcare -
Enforcing the Hyde Amendment...more
Among the many rescissions of Biden administration Executive Orders, signed by President Trump on his administration’s first day, was a rescission of an Executive Order that encouraged Medicare to lower drug costs and makes...more
/ Affordable Care Act ,
Biden Administration ,
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) ,
Drug Pricing ,
Executive Orders ,
Health Insurance ,
Medicaid ,
Medicare ,
Prescription Drugs ,
Trump Administration
This Week in Washington: Senate Appropriations Committee reports FY 2025 Labor-HHS-Education and Related Agencies appropriations bill out of committee....more
This Week in Washington: HHS announces reorganization of health technology offices; House recesses early because of an inability to pass appropriations bills; Senate Finance Committee chairman introduces legislation to...more
This Week in Washington: House Rules Committee to consider FY2025 Agriculture-FDA and Related Agencies funding bill amendments; MedPAC releases July 2024 data book on Medicare program spending; National drug shortages fall to...more
On June 24, 2024, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) released a final rule that disincentivizes healthcare providers from...more
This Week in Washington: House Appropriations Committee marks up FY2025 Labor-HHS-Education and the Agriculture- FDA and Related Agencies funding bills; Senate Appropriations Committee marks up FY2025 Agriculture-FDA and...more
This Week in Washington: House Ways and Means Committee marks up healthcare bills related to new technologies and coverage for weight loss drugs; CMS releases CY2025 Home Health and End-Stage Renal Disease PPS proposed rules;...more
This Week in Washington: House Energy and Commerce Committee marks up 13 healthcare bills; House Energy and Commerce Committee Subcommittee on Health holds hearing on CMMI; CMS announces it will recalculate MA Star Ratings....more
This Week in Washington: Senate Finance Committee Chairman sends letters concerning healthcare cybersecurity measures; House Energy and Commerce Committee Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee holds hearing on 340B...more
This Week in Washington: Senate Finance Committee releases draft proposal outline concerning GME program; Senate HELP Committee marks up seven healthcare bills; NIH issues first-of-its-kind policy proposal to promote equal...more
This Week in Washington: House appropriators release FY2025 topline appropriations levels; Senate Finance Committee releases white paper on Medicare physician payment reforms; House Energy and Commerce Committee Subcommittee...more
This Week in Washington: House Ways and Means Committee marks up telehealth legislation; CMS extends state Medicaid unwinding flexibilities; Senate HELP Committee ranking member releases white paper outlining possible NIH...more
This Week in Washington: Senate Finance Committee releases discussion draft concerning generic drug shortages; FDA releases laboratory-developed tests final rule; Administration extends ACA subsidies for Deferred Action for...more
On April 22, 2024, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released a final rule that will implement for the first time at the national level minimum staffing level requirements for long-term care (LTC) and...more
This Week in Washington: CMS releases SNF minimum staffing standards final rule; Senate HELP Committee chairman requests information on Ozempic and Wegovy pricing; HHS OCR releases final rule concerning HIPAA reproductive...more
This Week in Washington: House Energy and Commerce Committee chairmen and ranking members request information on Change Healthcare cyberattack impacts; FDA establishes CDER Center for Clinical Trial Innovation; House Energy...more
This Week in Washington: Senate HELP Committee Chairman requests comments on Long COVID draft proposal; CMS announces proposed Transforming Episode Accountability Model; CMS releases FY2025 Inpatient and Long-Term Care...more
This Week in Washington: Congress passes remaining appropriations bills; House Energy and Commerce Committee marks up 17 healthcare bills; CMS announces coverage for some Wegovy prescriptions....more
This Week in Washington: President releases FY2025 Budget; House Energy and Commerce Committee Health Subcommittee marks up 19 healthcare bills; Senate Finance and HELP Committee Chairmen send letter concerning preventive...more
This Week in Washington: Congress passes six appropriations bills including skinny health package; House Ways and Means Committee reports bill to block CMS nursing home minimum staffing levels requirement; HHS requests...more
This Week in Washington: Congress averts government shutdown; President issues executive order concerning foreign exploitation of health data; Sen. McConnell announces he is stepping down as leader at the end of the term;...more
In November 2023, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released the Calendar Year 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule, which reduced reimbursement for physician fee services by 3.4%. The fee cut for...more