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COVID-19 Business Interruption Insurance Litigation: A Five Month Update

We reported in April that a Tuscaloosa shoe store and a Mountain Brook restaurant had filed the first Alabama business interruption cases. Five months later, we are still awaiting a definitive ruling in both....more

Eleventh Circuit Affirms FCRA Punitive Damage Award But Reduces Ration to 4:1

In Williams v. First Advantage LNS Screening Solutions, Inc., 947 F.3d 735 (11th Cir. Jan. 9, 2020), the plaintiff recovered a jury verdict under the FCRA for $250,000 of compensatory damages and $3.3 Million of punitive...more

Businesses Affected by COVID-19 Should Put Their Insurance Carriers on Notice

As businesses fight to keep their doors open, they should not overlook a short and simple task that might provide some help in the long run: putting their insurance carriers on notice of business interruption losses. ...more

First Alabama Lawsuits Filed Over COVID-19 Insurance Denial

Earlier this week, two Alabama businesses sued their insurers for refusing to pay losses related to COVID-19. The first lawsuit, Wagner Shoes v. Auto-Owners Insurance Co., No. 7:20-cv-465 (N.D. Ala. Apr. 6, 2020), was brought...more

Many Businesses Face Hurdles in Obtaining Business Interruption Coverage

As Balch & Bingham reported on March 17, many businesses face hurdles to obtaining business interruption insurance coverage. On March 19, 18 House members (13 Democrats and 5 Republicans) sent a letter to insurers asking them...more

Insurance Questions Loom As Businesses Brace for Financial Effects of COVID-19

These are unprecedented times. People are suffering, and businesses are suffering. Many businesses are either closed entirely or barely open at greatly diminished capacities. ...more

Eleventh Circuit: Motion to Reschedule a Foreclosure Sale Not Barred by Regulation X

In an important victory for mortgage servicers, the Eleventh Circuit rejected a RESPA claim based on a motion to reschedule a foreclosure sale in Landau v. Roundpoint Mortgage Servicing Corp....more

Alabama Supreme Court Changes Course On Validity of Future-Advance Mortgages

In September 2018, the Alabama Supreme Court issued an opinion in GHB Constr. and Dev. Co., Inc. v. West Alabama Bank and Trust, No. 1170484, that caused considerable concern for Alabama lenders. The Court held that...more

Alabama Supreme Court: Statute of Frauds Does Not Apply When Seller Deeds Real Property Directly to Lender in Purchase-Money...

Last month, the Alabama Supreme Court bypassed the statute of frauds and held that, even though one party had clear record title, the dispute over ownership should go to trial. While the opinion purported to apply...more

Defendants Should Consider Personal Jurisdiction Defense Following Supreme Court Decision, Especially When the Claims of...

A recent Supreme Court decision may allow defendants to avoid lawsuits in distant courts that have little or no connection to the lawsuit, especially in cases (such as mass actions) where the claims of out-of-state plaintiffs...more

Alabama Supreme Court: Lender Can Sue Directors of a Public Improvement District for Negligence, Breach of Fiduciary Duty

Alabama law permits the creation of public corporations known as “improvement districts,” which can then issue bonds that are similar to bonds issued by a municipal corporation. These bonds can be used to finance improvements...more

Eleventh Circuit Accepts Spokeo Argument; Holds That Mere Procedural Violation is Not Enough to Confer Standing

In a victory for defendants, the Eleventh Circuit recently agreed that a mere procedural violation—the kind of injury that has become the favorite of the plaintiffs’ bar—is insufficient to confer Article III standing. More...more

CAFA’s “Local Controversy” Exception Does Not Apply When Federal Court Has Independent Basis for Subject Matter Jurisdiction

Last month, the Eleventh Circuit rejected a plaintiff’s bid to keep her class action in state court even though CAFA’s local controversy exception would have required a remand. In Blevins v. Aksut, No. 16-11585, — F.3d —,...more

Alabama Court of Civil Appeals Reverses Summary Judgment Granted in Favor of Mortgage Servicer Based on Res Judicata Defense

In Sims v. JPMC Specialty Mortgage, LLC, No. 2150437, a borrower had been involved in two previous lawsuits arising out of a mortgage servicer’s foreclosure upon the borrower’s property. The servicer obtained summary judgment...more

Eleventh Circuit Holds Arbitration Clause Unenforceable Due to Unavailability of Arbitral Forum

The Eleventh Circuit recently held in Parm v. National Bank of California, that a payday lender’s arbitration clause was unenforceable because the forum selected was unavailable and no alternative forum was provided for.The...more

New Class Action Complaint Alleges That Post-Payment Interest Charges for Certain Home Mortgages Are Invalid Because of...

A class action filed last week in the Northern District of Georgia disputes the ability of a lender to charge post-payment interest for certain home mortgage loans when the lender has not provided a very specific disclosure...more

Alabama Supreme Court Rejects Motion to Compel Arbitration Because Account Holder Did Not Click on Link to Arbitration Provision

Following the Alabama Supreme Court’s decision last Friday in Moore-Dennis v. Franklin, Nos. 1131142, 1131176, Alabama lenders should immediately review their account agreements to ensure any amendments to those agreements...more

Eleventh Circuit Holds That An Order Compelling Arbitration is Final And Appealable When Arbitration is the Only Relief Requested...

The Eleventh Circuit recently dismissed an appeal from an order compelling arbitration because the appealing party failed to file a notice of appeal within thirty days of that order. ...more

New Fifth Circuit Opinion is a Warning to Lenders Using “As Is” Waivers in Real Estate Contracts

In Jones v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., No. 15-30031, — F. App’x —, (5th Cir. Sept. 29, 2015), the Fifth Circuit reversed the dismissal of a lawsuit against Wells Fargo for its alleged failure to disclose known mold problems,...more

Reach of Contractual Jury Trial Waivers Narrowed By Alabama Supreme Court

In Ex Parte Acosta, No. 1140200, — So. 3d —, No. 1140200, 2015 WL 3537476 (Ala. June 5, 2015), the Alabama Supreme Court refused to incorporate a jury trial waiver from a collateral loan document into a Promissory Note. ...more

Eleventh Circuit Upholds Rule Against Tolling For Successive Class Actions

The Eleventh Circuit has reaffirmed the rule announced in Griffin v. Singletary, 17 F.3d 356 (11th Cir. 1994), that there can be no piggybacking of successive class actions for statute of limitations purposes regardless of...more

Eleventh Circuit Throws Open The Door To State-Law Class Actions In Federal Court

In a first-of-its-kind opinion that could open the class action flood gates, the Eleventh Circuit has held that state consumer fraud class actions may proceed in federal court even if the state consumer fraud statute...more

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