The Investment Management Update keeps you apprised of recent developments that affect registered investment companies, private equity funds, hedge funds, investment advisers, and others in the investment management...more
/ Best Interest Standard ,
Broker-Dealer ,
Business Development Companies ,
Conflicts of Interest ,
Disclosure Requirements ,
ETFs ,
Financial Regulatory Reform ,
Financial Services Industry ,
Investment Adviser ,
Investment Management ,
Offerings ,
Regulation S-P ,
Retail Investors ,
Risk Alert ,
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ,
Securities Transactions ,
Standard of Care
Regulation BI, Form CRS, Adviser or Advisor, and Fiduciary Duties of Adviser -
In a flurry of proposed rulemaking that added up to more than 900 pages of reading material, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)...more
/ Best Interest Standard ,
Broker-Dealer ,
Choice of Entity ,
Conflicts of Interest ,
Disclosure Requirements ,
Fiduciary Duty ,
Financial Services Industry ,
Investment Adviser ,
Investment Management ,
Investment Products ,
Liquidity Risk Management Rule ,
Regulatory Oversight ,
Regulatory Requirements ,
Required Forms ,
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)