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NLRB’s Independent Contractor Test Shifts Back To Pre-Trump Standard

Last week, the National Labor Relations Board (“Board”) issued a decision changing the legal standard it will use to determine whether workers are “employees” covered by the National Labor Relations Act (“NLRA”), or...more

DOL Publishes Proposed ‘Independent Contractor’ Rule

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) yesterday issued a proposed rule addressing when a worker will be an independent contractor (rather than an employee) under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Under the proposal, the...more

NJ DOL Bills Uber $650M for Misclassified Drivers

The New Jersey Department of Labor (NJ DOL) billed Uber Technologies, Inc. and a subsidiary $650 million for past-due taxes, interest, and penalties due to an alleged misclassification of its drivers as independent...more

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