Latest Posts › Environmental Social & Governance (ESG)


La vague croissante des actions collectives en environnement au Canada

Les actions collectives en environnement sont devenues courantes pour réclamer un dédommagement devant les tribunaux en réparation d’un préjudice de nature environnementale. Cette tendance, d’ailleurs, s’accélère, notamment...more

The Rising Tide of Environmental Class Actions in Canada

Environmental class actions have become common for addressing environmental damages and seeking compensation through the courts. This trend is growing, particularly with respect to climate change and chemicals in products,...more

Blakes Continuity Podcast: Cutting Through the Weeds: A Look at Environmental Issues Impacting Businesses [Audio]

Across Canada, companies are facing a host of environmental challenges, including sustainability, regulatory obligations and other issues. In episode 12 of our Continuity podcast, Tony Crossman, Terri-Lee Oleniuk and Grace...more

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