Latest Posts › Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)


SEC’s Office of Municipal Securities Offers Guidance Regarding COVID-19’s Impact on Rule 15c2-12 Continuing Disclosure Undertaking...

Every continuing disclosure undertaking entered into under Section (b)(5)(i) of Rule 15c2-12 (the “Rule”) of the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) requires the issuer or obligated person (as defined in the Rule)...more

What Do the SEC's New Continuing Disclosure Requirements Mean for Governmental Borrowers?

As reported in our October 10, 2018 alert, the Securities and Exchange Commission has amended Rule 15c2-12 (the "Rule"), which governs continuing disclosure by state and local governmental borrowers to add two new material...more

SEC Adds Two New Material Events to Continuing Disclosure Requirements

Issuers or obligated persons (together, an "Issuer") of municipal securities will be required to add two new events to the list of reportable material events in their continuing disclosure undertakings entered into after...more

SEC Municipalities Continuing Disclosure Cooperation Initiative: Should A Bond Issuer Self-Report?

Municipal securities issuers have the opportunity to self-report material misstatements in official statements regarding prior compliance with continuing disclosure undertakings under a new initiative introduced by the...more

New SEC Initiative Offers Municipal Issuers and Underwriters an Exit Strategy for Continuing Disclosure Violations

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Enforcement Division recently announced a program intended to resolve violations of federal securities laws regarding continuing disclosures in bond offering documents. The program,...more

New SEC Regulations of Municipal Advisors and Underwriters Take Effect in July

Last fall, the federal Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) issued new rules (Rule) regulating municipal advisors and underwriters, now scheduled to become effective July 1, 2014. In 2010, President Obama signed into...more

Proposed New MSRB Rule on Standards of Conduct for Municipal Advisors

On January 9, 2014 the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) issued proposed Rule G-42 on the standards of conduct and duties of municipal advisors when engaging in municipal advisory activities other than making...more

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